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Its Been A WILD Week For Classic Era WoW Classic

Chris44sun: Me and others stopped playing SOD because of the complaining players. They just started cater to lunatics who wanted GS's to run deadmines and to send logs for worlds easiest and quickest raids.

joelhodoborgas: They removed the buff that people liked and kept the guild chat delay people hated lol, feels like blizzard do things out of spite.

xXindesposableXx: I'll be honest my biggest complaint about SOD...is the community. The people are just shit, the average player is so miserable it's difficult to want to play. I meet, and have met some of the coolest people ever on wow. Unfortunately for every cool person I see, there are 10 of the worst people you have ever met in the way. it's like sifting through toxic shit water to find a good snack. Sure it's good, but it's still covered in shit.

ASquidWithC4: Wake me up when they're doing classic

kent-ingestensen5371: TBC Fresh! Sooo many want it, give me my precious

bladerunner2006: Why are people sweating over world buffs to beat bosses that got 3-manned 20 years ago lmao I'm so confused

s.o.l.o.1.003: P1 was the lightning in a bottle we all needed at that time in our lives. It’s been long over. I’m at peace.

michaelbastian6317: I trained in polearms. But didn't get a refund!

shoemate144: I think the menu should have an option to have a fully updated UI in classic or vanilla version. If you don’t want the quality of life, don’t click the option lol. If they did it like that, I think it would be fine. People use 800 add-ons nowadays playing classic so I don’t see the difference.

thedragonmunday: Honestly, the only change I had an issue with for Classic era was the guild UI. It's quite ugly and the old one was easier to use. Probably because it was familiar to me but in the grand scope none of this was all that bad.

Most of which were nothing but positive and the only real problem was how they implemented them. Gotta talk to your community before you go breaking a promise you had made to them.

AlexGavei: I don't like SoD,Cata and Retail.I've been doing some Hardcore and there is many ppl playing it tbf,which has surprised me and it has been really fun. But i rather have a Vanilla Fresh with a good timing,not like SoM.

whoopsie321: Bro is so late on the wow trends/news

Jackson110010: Bring back Stormrend for Era!

Epidombe: i saw a comment somewhere that was like "all blizzard had to do was nothing and they still fucked it up"

aleksandarstanisic1848: No changes!

LilshellerMC: They could always do polling to require you to have requirements, like in OSRS only ironmen can vote on some ironman related polls, IE: Required to have x lvled alliance toon to vote on alliance specific stuff!

Jul 26 2024

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