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It's 2024 And You Open the WoW Classic Item Shop

TGISnipez: The lambo LMFAOOO
logomarkz: Isellgold is gonna eat good.
stue2485: The Lambo had me in stitches
TomAndrews91: Lambo mount hype. Lambo mount hype.
tkzsfen: IsellGold, don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING!
garadak7.: wow a lot of commenters here who never got the lambo in retail
saitama741: where is my lambo?
LoldemortII: I still remember when Blizzard had a poll running about the things players want and didn't want for Classic and the shop 100% was on the WE DO NOT WANT THIS list and also acknowledged by Blizzard, but in the end money always wins.
heroclix0rz: Lol i love the new line "I've waited years for this!"

Btw, the thick sarcasm is definitely lost on blizzard. They're going to think the takeaway is "people are complaining that the pets tab is empty".
KGditto: Isellgold rides his busted up lambo into work everday. What a legend.
R3MIX3D: Top tier Lambo edit. Give it a couple more years n we will see it

May 15 2024

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