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Its 2006 And You Discover a New Area in World of Warcraft

stixoflix: Loving the Herod's shoulder, raging berserker helm, and ravager on a hunter lmao

jp5125: The MSN sound XD

scpWyatt: finally someone pronounces Gadgetzan the proper way. I've been the only one saying it right for 20 years now.

OliWinchester: I still remember that boss fight in Zul'Farak...

The never ending waves of enemies coming our way... but we stand our ground and hold the stairways!

And then our companions suddenly turn against us!

My child brain's imagimation made it all like an epic adventure.

I'll never forget.

bathsalts666: when i first saw gadgetzan in like 2006 i thought it was where i got my mount cuz of the mounts parked outside. and i thought there was real arena queues with the arena in the middle lol

TheRabbit68: I died a little on the inside with this one. Remember what they took from you lads, remember what they took from you.

ben-taobeneton3945: It's funny how Youtube offers us 1080p quality on a 240p quality vid

TheRealSaithis: I still love the old design where you would get rewarded for exploring. Rares in unique spots of the zone, chests in random caves that could have blues that might have an impact on you somehow.

Yeah world stopped being the main character a long time ago

nihilism_blues: WOW VANILLA HYPE!

Marshal_Dunnik: It's 2006, you're level 41, and you don't realize you could have bought a mount at level 40

Kavou: No addons, no phones, no second monitors playing influencers in the background. Just living the moment.

cotz5461: Season of Disappointment

mhsnkddr: This is exactly why I stopped playing SoD.

Instead of adding new areas and new missions for leveling and DISCOVERING new things, all they do is add new skills, a dungeon converted into a raid and an area converted to PvP.

I deeply hope that by the lvl 60 it will change and we can go to Hyjal etc.

fabsfabian6476: it pains me how much they fucked up sod after such a strong start :(

Mckadow: The party chat is too real.

"guys sorry for the delay i'm out. enjoy"

Made you wait then left, perfect.

iamlegion3093: The being at 100% yellow and not 125% happy is so triggering

Jun 26 2024

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