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Is WoW M Even Worse NOW?

imXcoolq8: One of the worst changes ever is the fact now if you stun a mob who is casting they just start immediately casting again. This kills pugs why the fuck was this change made ?!
hannya5555: In general I just feel so empty after completing each m dungeon. Difficulty itself is another topic but i feel like completing one and just receiving 50 gold is ridiculous, it cant even cover up a portion of repairing fee, food, elixar, potion and stuff, not a tiny bit. All you work towards that garenteed is the vault's content, in which being a high chance of being something unusable and not worth all the effort put into grinding 8 10 keys per week as an average player.
Just make the players get more gold or even just something else to work towards for, like some kinda token or currency for a seperate cosmetic shop. I just hate spending 30 min just feel like Im actually losing things in the end.
Kaybris: I main a healer MW Monk. It's the worst m season ever. In past expansions I would do m for fun. In "The War Within" I don't even feel like logging in to do m . All the dungeons are not fun to do, most mechanics are annoying and unforgiving, and no matter how well you play as a healer or a tank, the whole run can be ruined by one DPS player. On top of that 9/10 runs I get 0 loot. For me there is no incentive to do any m - it's not fun, it's not rewarding, and it's just too stressful. And since all I did in WoW was m , there is now no incentive for me to stay subscribed and continue playing WoW. It's like Blizzard is on purpose trying to ruin M experience so more people do raids and the weekly time-gated content. All it's going to do is make m enjoyers quit the game.
alexanderclark9227: I'll give my standpoint as someone who is not casual in mythic . I main a ret paladin, 626 and 2.5k io. I have done nearly 300 keys since the season started already. I usually get into whatever keys I apply to.

Getting to this point has been a drastic undertaking. My friends and I have made a habit of starting out each season getting mythic gear in the vault of week 1. Now, there is only a couple of us that can do 10s. And it took me nearly 50 keys before finally getting up to a 10.

These dungeons are not forgiving for the smallest mistakes. This is a failure on blizzard's part. Because of the requirement of these dungeons, it gatekeeps many players from being able to obtain anything close to mythic gear. Blizzard has a growing fan base for the first time in 5 years. When new players come into the mythic scene, they are met with elitist mentality and discouraged from pushing keys without being one of two things: perfect at their class and/or being the meta class. No game should require this of their players. Every bit of content should allow room for learning. What was good about the previous seasons was that if keys required perfection, then players would do 25s and higher. Or in the case of season 4 of dragonflight, it would be 15s and higher. But the kind of skill that someone would need for a 15 is now required in 7 and higher. Which is a drastic difference and a fatal error for player retention. Blizzard needs to fix this if they want any hope of keeping their growing player base.
d4mephisto: I've been playing WoW since the very first week of the game's launch back in 2004. I've been saying this for about 10 years now, and I'm gonna keep saying it: WoW is at its peak when Blizzard errs on the side of making the game "easier" rather than more difficult. Making M hard is a mistake, and gatekeeping Myth track gear like they have is a bad choice. The dungeons are overtuned, and Blizzard is taking way too long to deliver the nerfs to dungeons that they need. On top of all of that, the 15 second death timer is ridiculous and needs scaled back to 10 seconds per death, or even back to the standard 5. Just remove that altogether.

This is a video game. Let it be fun and rewarding for the average player. Blizzard is way too focused on this game being competitive. It's an MMO. Let it just be FUN. They are completely missing the boat.
STARSHIPTROOP: This is possibly the worst week ever for M . Sanguine wasn't even this bad. Tyrannical plus many bosses leave a area of denial & then we must kill ourselves to grab balls so they don't touch the boss. What a brilliant idea ... not.
ravinjor: the challengers Afix is killing it, nothing like doing a 10 wiping 1 time on a boss and being like "welp keys dead"
Harrowing999: The difficulty spike in dungeons and healing is fine, the Challenger’s Bounty affix is absurd. Losing 5 seconds on a death is fair. A key broken on one wipe is just unfair.
TheDumplingOrc: I don’t understand why they keep pushing difficulty = fun. Because it isn’t.
jonbrown8698: M is a hot pile of trash. You go from Heroics where you cannot learn mechanics because people Zerg bosses, to one shot mechanics in M0. The shrinking of key numbers has crushed any hopes of casuals playing keys. Lower keys were great for casual players that had zero interest in running level 20 keys.
hellzpawn1751: whoever was the dev in blizzard and those top 3% content creator's clowns that played the alpha, the beta and never gave feedback and thought that challenger's affix was fun or good for the community are completely clueless, and Blizzurd should stop catering for those clowns that never PUG or do keys with randoms, is a pain to see a mostly good run one random error in a boss or bad interrupt wipe -7 minutes key depleted everyone leaves.... is depressive and trash
trancer03: So like 15% of players are able to get gilded crests. and 85% of players are stuck with 619 gear the rest of the season. GG Blizzard that was fast lol.
vanguelisk: revert the key scaling as it was in DF S1-S3
Its-Eywa: They need to add something to balance the affix on deaths, I'd say add a mechanic that adds time on the key If you do something good as a team like "If you consecutively interrupt 3-5 times in a row you gain 30 seconds". For one it will reward people and teach people to use interrupt more, and two it will be less punishing for making a mistake and having the key completely bricked and wasting time.
That_kind_of_orc: It's really bad atm, in df S4 I had 2900 rating so I know how m works but anyway yesterday I ran 7 times 5-6 difficulty keys and every group fell apart and we failed all the 7 keys that's not normal and sure some people suck in m but in df it didn't mean we didn't have a chance to complete the key
ThegreatCMFB: The simple reason I am not enjoying M is the dungeons all suck. There's not a single dungeon I go, "Oooooh I'm excited to run this"
Tberg81: Blizzards constant push to make WoW a e sport is ruining the game, Rushing through dungeons on a timer has never been fun and 75 % of the player base agree. Even taking regular mythics and heroic does not allow people to learn the game, as the GO GO GO attitude is so stamped in the wow community now. i Hate this constant rush rush rush game mode and people leaving if we stop for 3 seconds. Blizz have a big job on their hands if the want to keep palyers in WoW, and not the 200 people that watch the stupid M competitions on twitch, just so stupid
MrLolguy93: The dungeons are way too overtuned. They should nerf all by at least 10-15 %. It's that ridiculous. Not to mention that even at almost 2,2 k rating I never get invited because everyone is expecting to be boosted by premades.
briantown6716: Played Mythic from Legion up to this current season for every season. Seasons in the past had issues but they were overall fun and you could pug them pretty easily to get both your teleports and your gear...this season had me quit. There's no reason why they need to gate keep a single piece of mythic loot from the vault ONCE PER WEEK, behind the same level of mythics that reward the teleports to the dungeons which were a cosmetic fun progression later in the season for people not pushing crazy hard and just enjoying themselves.

No you need a premade mythic group to really stand a chance, yes there are pugs able to do it but far far less then previous seasons and the fact that the crazy key pushers are also citing just how bad the pug scene is is telling enough.
rhombodazzle9700: Every season of dragonfly I managed to get keystone master and hero on multiple characters....... This season I'm very content with running fours and sixes and not pushing 3K or even 2.5 for that matter
sockmonkey3393: The problem is they upped the tuning but increased the amount of work a healer and tank have to work. It used to be the healer would heal 4 people and sometimes help the tank.
AmanitaMuscarias: I play all healers; my r.shaman is so overpowered in comparison to all my other healers, w/ r.druid being last or second to last w/ holy priest. Affixes seem to be made for r.shaman ( like devour Affix being cleared by 45 sec poison cleansing totem), bursty damage being dealt with by incap totem, thunder knock up, & need for actual interrupt (windshear being ranged). Also, my r.shaman can drop healing tide totem & spam healing surge or chain heal on top of cool down. As example, my r.druid cannot channel tranquility & cast regrowth at the same time. TLDR; my r.shaman has multiple good dev changes each time for tree talents, tier bonuses, hero trees, etc. Every step of the way for changes on my r.druid is the exact opposite, bad changes & nerfs. Pls give priest a interrupt.
Impuracle: If I'm capable of earning Gilded Crests, why can't I simply upgrade my Adventurer-grade item all the way to Mythic? What's the point of limiting how far items can be upgraded when Crests are the skill check?
DilzwieldKing: As a healer (hpal), the damage is WAY too high on the party. My heals don't feel strong enough and I'm using GCDs and cooldowns just to keep the party alive. Not only that, this season has a lot of poisons and magic debuffs for some reason that I'm constantly on the watch to dispell.

Healing just doesn't feel fun... I loved it back in Shadowlands (and in other MMOs), but I'm so disinterested to do it rn
Tyrownious: If they want to up the difficulty then sure that’s fine but you can’t also simultaneously keep the rewards low. The incentive to push outside of doing 1 - 10 a week for the gear in a vault a week is extremely low. Meanwhile you can walk away from an 8 boss raid with all vault slot rewards plus worth while same level drops in the raid. While doing 8 dungeons and maybe getting 1 drop that’s a worthless track you don’t even need or want. Meaning the only reason to do m is maybe a vault reward 1 item a week which will cause burn out at a rapid rate and that 1 item a week might not even be something you want or need making it even more discouraging. To a point this might be the first season where I got my rating now I’m gonna just walk away rather than continue

Oct 22 2024

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