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Is SoD DOOMED?? Payo Reacts PHASE 4 Updates Classic World of Warcraft

eba8938: Content at 60: It's like they are talking to idiots who never played the game or never heard of WoW before. It's so cringe.
Gord0nG3kko: “If I was me” -
D-V-C-N: I knew SOD was doomed when Agrand sent a passive aggressive response to everyone who tweeted. The devs are deeply unhinged because the culture at Blizz is toxic
mhrcracing: Never played SOD, still not interested
hugocarriere5563: Im not resubin for p4 ppc
Pokdemon: I quit SOD after phase 1, it's just so boring and too much retail wow elements. When are we getting classic fresh server?
kerokupo: blizzard changes item stats because they have to do something, and they dont know how to truly make vanilla better, so they add 2 strength and 2 crit so they feel better about themselves. You're right Payo, there's no reason to update stats
zdubzz1280: Twice a week is so rough. My guild was planning on raids Tues/thurs and now we are going to lose so many people that can’t make the new times or spend that much time getting buffed even.
landofsyn2980: Love you payo- but your off on all this stuff lol- but here is the normal classic andy... you cant make them happy- I say blizzard should give up on classic and just make a fresh classic server once every 3 years... and just let these wild animals just redo 1-60 over and over and over .... kill Rag for the first time over and over and over lmfao
xgetxsickx: p1 and p2 seemed really like.. i couldn't get into it.. but the gaming landscape is so fucking dry right now i broke and heard shaman could tank. so i got a sham to 32 the weekend before p3..

i log into p3 to find massive class nerfs, and quickly realize the community is no longer doing dungeons.. it's ... aq40 commendation quests in ashenvale? fuck this brainrot

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Jun 30 2024

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