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Is a Diablo 4 World of Warcraft Crossover Coming?

levihojara1608: D3 has the Corrupted Ashbringer as well as Thunderfury

redi4871: Hyped for season 5!

Theme is like s4 not really a season, but overall game improvements.

_MikeJon_: It's cool that we got some good permanent end game activities and overall reworks with these two seasons. Next up will be the DLC. They're going in a great direction. I'm excited to see the new items and whatnot.

delsus7580: Yeah, and the CEO of bungie was showing some of the "let go" staff all the new cars he bought with his bonus, while he knew they were going, and they did not.

Joe_Doe: The only thing i wish for would be that uber lilith is actualy a fun fight.... :(

scottd99: Wish the gear in game looked half as good as the cash shop gear.

socketman: No Titan's Quest II mention?

Riastrad04: Frostmourne transmog will be $40 in the shop

Aug 05 2024

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