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Idiot Raider Uses Thumbs to Play... World of Warcraft

DarthSidian: I can't believe Rob actually gremlin-grips his keyboard lol
TinyGremolin: The boomer - Clicks every spell with mouse
Rob - "Hold my beer"
ggnorton7: Rob is literally built different.
I can’t even laugh at this, it’s like I’ve discovered Bigfoot
dr_gl1tch: I feel like Rob's way of using the keyboard is an evolutionary step we should avoid taking as a species lmao
monobrow538: When i first heard rob using thumb for numbers keys i thought:
"Oh so hes using a mouse with number pad on the side nice"
Then i saw...
tzeentchnco.7441: Kate: "That has nothing to do with your keyboard! I'm not a keyboard!"

Finding out that Rob does the same when gripping Kate like he does a keyboard. Holy fucking shit, that is a LOT to unpack there
axolotlexe: im astonished by the way rob plays every single game apparently, i think hes clinically insane
kacperdz.3993: What happend to Lily? I start to miss her squeaky voice
darktigersharkmax4432: What makes Rob's gripper method even more cursed is that it works and he's done decently or even we'll in previous games and he's in the top 10 of dps consistently for most of the video like wtf.
spinnyboi9951: i love that rob used the "my keyboard is too small" excuse, just like he did for the controller when he was losing in mario party
monobrow538: Biggest debuff is stupidity
chasewilson3693: So many things about Rob's gameplay now makes so much sense.

He is also not beating the Scottish Ogre charges with that keyboard grip.
bromtaegan4606: I can't believe that literally NO ONE has ever figured this out before, omg, what a lore dump this has been in the Chronicle of Rob
gl1tch857: Discovering that rob holds his keyboard like a fucking controller is like discovering the Loch Ness Monster is real.
nevermore7285: I think the worst part is Rob seems shocked that other people don’t do this!
ARC_Winters: I've seen some bizarre ass grips for both controller and keyboard, but Rob's grip is pretty much takes the cake for confusing the absolute fuck outta everyone.
brogflea6380: Ii have been following Kaif and the misfits for quite some time now, years in fact. I thougth I've seen it all. But Rob's take on 'Clawhammer' had me speachless. How??
theshadowulf3774: Rob playing with only thumbs reminds me of how Mumbo Jumbo uses his thumb to press CTRL

Jun 07 2024

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