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I Think I Am Addicted to World of Warcraft WoW Geoguessr

crendor: I challenge you to world of warcraft geoguessr
deathi: try out the lost gamer version that crendor constantly uses, it is more like geoguessr judging by distance not a circle like this one, crendor always does 20 rounds, no movement and 60s rounds, my last attempt was 88,398 of a possible 100k points on retail version
dumortemontal2122: Bruh. I've been playing WoW alliance since vanilla and I couldn't even tell you where elwynn forest is just looking at the map like that
SavithTV: I think what always amazes me about these videos is how well Classic WoW's environments were designed to be so distinct and memorable from one another compared to later releases. It could just be our willingness to level and play the core game over and over, but I feel less inclined to level/play through expansion releases vs classic just because its an overall better experience. Great job
johernandez266: Shout out to Zygor !
user-rg5sl8pv5f: I often criticize your overly apologetic posture towards the state of the game and blizzards shambolic attempts at fixing it that only make things worse, but i see were about as passionate about the game as one another... i wish i could believe that blizzard can get a grip but i know all people on wow team wouldnt even get a 50/50 score on this. they are normies and they simply lack the passion for it.
MrDARKJAK: I feel like the fact i got almost all of them right along with you is a problem lololol
Nunubotz2: impressive with the island with nat!!
josejuanandrade4439: This is not the same geogesser Crendor plays. Do the other one... WITHOUT camera spin!

Jun 23 2024

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