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I Found the Easiest Way ANYONE Can Level in World of Warcraft get to level 70 in just 3 hours

nekokiki4002: Now is someone gonna make an addon that. Brings you on a Min-Maxed automatic flight path that discovers all the zones for you

theblackphoenix2135: Dude, I honestly believe with a couple of runs and a preplanned route you could totally beat the world record with this

jeremyrayne: I'm doing this currently with my Earthen - but I didn't know I could skip past the duels in the starting zone, so I'll have those mobs on my conscience.

bershy8556: an addon that shows all the discoverable locations would be so helpful

drippinghere: This is exactly what I did with my earthen hunter! I was just waiting in queue for a dungeon when I noticed how fast I was gaining xp while flying around :)

50whatnomadtravelnursemtb5: lets hope wow doesn't nerf this, like they seem to do all the time. I've been looking to find faster leveling since I haven't played in a.long time and many of my alts are still like level 40-50ish. Gotta unlock the earthen then, guess I better get on the main and do that.

PrincessPolyhedra: I would certainly go with something along the lines of “the cartography challenge” or “the explorers league”

darcraven01: so just to point this out, though it'd probably slow progress.. you can get to pandaria without using the mage tower portal as long as you can get to draenor. you can use the blue campfire on the small pillar island off the north east coast of gorgrond. sit in chair, click campfire, teleport to timeless isle. though since you cant fly in the timeless isle and you'd be under water and dismounted, it would probably kill momentum to have to swim out and up to the surface where you'd ground mount or swim to the flight path and take said flight path to the nearest one in jade forest you have access to. but you can

junkhead1979: Name this method: "Explorathon" or some shit. And yeah I could see this becoming a thing. The Earthen race makes is extremely viable to catch on. Couple questions. How beneficial are the treasures in Gorgrond? That used to be a hotspot for leveling chunks. Also, Why Hunter? Could another class be more beneficial? Maybe mage for teleporting and shaving off minutes? Or is the flying around allowing time enough for the hearthstone to always be ready?

Sep 10 2024

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