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I FINALLY Tried World of Warcraft for the First Time, and...

account_advanced: Fun fact: Chinese prisoners used to play World of Warcraft as opposed to doing a trade like sewing, as it was more profitable a decade or so ago to grind WoW and sell their accounts

supersizesenpai: Frostbolt: Get literate bro!

Also Frostbolt: Despite Horde and Alliance factions being clearly defined, I still joined the wrong faction.

lunarramstore7588: Aztecross's Most Iconic Line: "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS"

drepie7537: Datto watching and having flashbacks lol

CheshireDude: Since both Destiny 2 and FFXIV has content droughts leading up to their new expansions earlier this summer, i decided to try out WoW and see if it was any good nowadays. Then Pandaria Remix happened and uh... now I still haven't played The Final Shape...

supersizesenpai: I started playing WoW when it first came out and stopped playing WoW during the "Legion" expansion. All my friends had moved on and the guild (where I went from peon to leader over the years) was now full of squeaky voiced newbies. I knew it was time to go. Watching these guys play together really unlocked some Hot Pockets, Funyuns & Code Red Mountain Dew memories. So much so that I'm a bit interested in picking the game back up again.

That said they really need to start at level 1. They need to learn the feeling of properly grinding and earning a flying mount. Nothing pushes you harder than seeing others (especially your friends) flying around when you're still using a starter ground mount.

IainG10: WoW is the perfect example of how graphics don't matter if the gameplay is good enough. Now if only they didn't insist on keeping Fury Warrior nerfed into oblivion, I might come back....

brennanbeach6984: If you turn on war mode, world PVP is a permanent thing until toggled back off (haven’t fully finished video)

voidcaaat: Man they threw y'all right in the deep end with the character boosts! It's hilarious watching y'all slowly figure stuff out, though, this is so good and dumb

brandonspeed: I used to play it with my dad like a decade ago, I miss it so much

Sep 05 2024

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