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PULAG: Smoking people with the parachute attacks haha

BBD1: This content is really funny bro

It's the only WoW content i'm watching nowadays

zoltanvonbozzay9678: That first clip was so satisfying. That is what the game is all about.

Niska00: Man hunter is so fun. So many tricks you can do with it.. kinda miss my classic hunter now

hahamo_: first 2 min r INSANE

mitsubishidion8514: That feral that ganked Payo in Howling Fjords is so dum. No pounce for opening, not mangle FIRST, and THEN rake... does he know how to play druid at all?

BigFurnyy: Bring back world pvp, i love it.

user-ep1fz7ll8v: Payo gets a lot of hate for reasons I don’t know. He makes me laugh that’s all I care about

Anlonn: what is the name of the parachute item ?

zoltanvonbozzay9678: Some tiny improvement I noticed you could make is sending your pet to attack while you are casting aimed shot, steady shot. Almost every time you send after you finish casting, and then lose a few pet attacks while he is running in, when instead he could do hit first hit at the moment your shot lands. Ppc

Jul 03 2024

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