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HUGE WoW Housing Update! Blizzard Is COMING For FF14

discountronswanson69: Never underestimate Blizzard's ability to fuck things up.

MrLolguy93: Anyone else remember Wildstar and its player housing?

Noryll1327: I'll be more interested in the housing when they actually show off stuff for it. Blizzard has a 20 year history of hyping things up and underdelivering, and then abandoning an idea after release. The snide remarks that are very clearly shots at FF housing are also really cringe and they're going to look like massive egotistical douches if they don't massively deliver on this content. Like they are actively setting up the hype that will backfire HARD if they don't deliver.

nickjohnson398: I swear the FF14 boom was the best thing to happened to retail wow. Wow being the one to take influence from other mmo's is so cool because a lot of the other big mmo's all have a few main features that they excel in (like FFXIV and its housing and other great social features) and for the longest time wow had no reason to pay attention to anyone else but themselves. Very refreshing that wow is the one copying and(hopefully) improving.

sergezede: I'm surprised at how optimistic he is and the ending line of the best MMO for the next 20 years is extremely overstated. We haven't even seen housing yet, just a few articles and Blizz has shown they they constantly under deliver.

RhanMalqir: I'll believe it when they release it and it's not a buggy mess like most of their new features.

ruick78: taking wow at their word is funny. until they show some thing physical i believe it. i was hyped for Garrisons that was steaming pile of shit

dawfydd: Considering the SERVER issues, created by Garrisons, and the reason there is limited housing in FFXIV i will laugh so much when they end up throwing shade.. but being unable to support their vision because of server demand.

I just don't see how they can manage it without some compromises.

Maybe i'll be wrong and Blizzard will finally take an idea and make it better- as old Blizzard used to.. but i'm doubting they'll start with this.

markv2754: Wow player housing would be cool if i still had any inkling of interrest in playing WoW

Thavleifrim: Honestly alot of companies put foward instanced housing amd spout its benefits like its an original idea they came up with (nevermind runescape has had intanced housing since 2006) but the only real innovation in housing since then has been ff14 giving physical housing in the world where i can walk to my house and walk to my neighbours houses or walk from my fc house to our servers night club a few houses down the road with my fc mates. Yeah limited supply is an unfortunate side effect but its also what makes it actually feel like housing and not some empty hall i decorate and then nobody ever looks at again.

Kae-k96: For all the things that can be said about archeage, I still have friends that i regularly talk to that i simply met by being neighbours. I even learnt the other factions language so i could talk to "enemy" players who also had housing in the same zone.

Player housing has such a huge potential for growing communities and i'm surprised that more games don't pick up on that.

hazed5640: Snarky Bash at FF14 even though Blizzard are 20 years late. But blizzard don't have any stand on for that dribbing

Ragman49: I am amazed it took this long considering they could have been selling furniture in the store this whole time.

Benjrick: Blizzard is not ready to deal with a Crawlers Neighbourhood

zapspiders92: Pretty sure they aren't restricting by faction. You do have to have either an alliance/horde BUY the alliance/horde house (likely a legacy code issue), they said any warband character could use it like their own after that

Zabam: If blizzard isnt going to fire people calling for violence online I dont care what they put out, no more support

a40989d1: They won't be able to come close to FF14 housing complexity, details, and quality.

ALeafOnTheWind42: I have absolutely 0 interest in housing. I doubt I'll even get a house myself unless the game forces me to do it. But with that said, I'm glad it's happening for people who care about it.

But god are people in these comments so jaded. I get it, Blizzard hurt you. It might just be time to move on and not watch videos about WoW

Vycerys: Comment section such a cesspool of loathing and WoW hate. Super hyped for this, but i do hope they dont stray TOO far from theme settings, I hated having a gaudy huge ass gingerbread house neighbor in FF.

cadcass6936: I've played long enough now to know that with Blizz I'll wait to see it before I belive it. Them saying it's all these things is different usually to the reality.

JMulls: Legit I can see people going Alliance just to have their housing there instead of Durotar, or getting an alliance alt, especially with how many horde players run Blood Elf

drowzydullahan: I wish I could be excited for this. But for me, it's like effectively watching the WoW team hype up nothing. I hope it's good for everyone else at least.

fiesbert5677: Nothing will undo the 90€ mount on WoWs birthday. All ships are sailed. The king is dead and buried

natebroadus8474: I don't think Blizzard even needed to throw shade. Its housing system may deliver instanced housing for its player base, and that's a win for current WoW players. However, what makes FFXIV's housing system so unique, despite its shortcomings, is all stuff that happened beyond the limits of the system, itself.

The glitching in FFXIV has created an entire community of builders that are a formidable chunk of the FFXIV playerbase. Beyond the glitching, FFXIV has created so many options to put in houses that you can create almost anything if you put your mind and skill to it. I've seen insane jump puzzles, haunted houses, weird churches, fast food restaurants, theatres, you name it. None of that happened on purpose. FFXIV was just smart enough not to crack down on the glitching. Imagine if they fixed the problem and made everything unglitched. The wailing would be terrifying.

I am no longer a WoW player, but if I was I'd be down with some kind of housing system. But after experiencing FFXIV's housing, I wouldn't expect a huge sub community to rise up around it in the same way. Again, the best part of the house building in FFXIV happened beyond the original intent of the system. I just don't see a clubbing culture, or fight club culture popping up around WoW housing. If you can have hundreds of people congregating in your instanced house, that would be awesome. But I suspect there will be a cap, and it'll probably end up like a combination of a garrison, the Pandaria farm, and the island sanctuary.

That last part is also a huge plus of the FFXIV system that not everyone acknowledges. Yes, FFXIV 's housing has its glaring flaws, but the ward system is what allows hundreds of people to congregate in one place for an event, like the Crawler parties, or the fanmade cons. Seeing hundreds of players mount up in cars to slow ride to the event like what happened during the Rejoining party. That's something I can't see happening in any other housing system.

sephrinx4958: If they don't do housing well (they won't) housing doesn't matter.

If they can somehow pull off a miracle and housing isn't shit, it could be awesome and hugely important.

However, based on Blizzards history, it will be shit...

winterflow_machinima: Big agree on allowing players to get really creative with the housing, all the way from different furnishing themes to a great freedom with how to place them! Want to have a floating table? Allow players to float the table. Want to sink items through the floor to create a new furnishing from them? Let players sink them! Perhaps with a 'snap to surface' option on by default that players can then turn off if they wanted to!

I also really hope that creating a private neighbourhood won't require many players, for small friend groups and tiny guilds being able to have their own space to work on as well. Heck, I'd love to work on a whole neighbourhood zone all by myself! I hope there'll be a clever guest invite system to allow players to invite a lot of players into both public and private neighbourhoods as this would be great for organizing community and roleplay events in them.

Feb 08 2025

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