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How World of Warcraft Became Unstoppable

GeremyG: I have never played WoW but you’re damn right I’m going to watch this whole video.

fish_bacon: Been accused of "it's dying" since Cataclysm. Yet here we are - and War Within is tonnes of fun, and the EU Servers look plenty busy to me.

BennyTheAzn: Zenkai Goose is quickly becoming one of my favorite YouTubers.. Love the long format videos, history, comedy, information, etc. Just everything about these videos is perfect. Keep it up, man!

leespiderpod: I love that Mila Kunis’s agent had to login to talk to her

kylejohnson3579: In 2007 I used so many sick days to play WoW (and watch price is right and Bob Ross reruns) that my high school sent a letter home saying I couldn’t be sick anymore without a doctors note

facetiouslyinsolent8313: The only thing dead about the game are the idiots claiming it is. I have heard well over 100 games that were supposed to be WOW killers and the majority of them are already dead.

TheUstiWaya: It sucked me in when I was 12. Got me through my parents divorce. And it was just the ultimate comfort food for so long. No matter how shitty my life was I could hop on wow and have a great time with my friends. Wotlk-cataclysm were the most fun imo. Dungeon finder just brought random people together like never before. And players like me who played solo more often got the chance to run dungeons without sitting around capital cities wasting time. If another game like wow ever comes out with modern tech, graphics, and gameplay I don't think I'll ever log off

NateBrotzman: That was the best explanation of the significance of Arthas to the WoW storyline and why the game simply couldn’t be the same after his defeat. Brilliant

Blechfaust: I love your videos. Can't wait for the next.

Oct 21 2024

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