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How War Within Raises The WoW Storytelling Bar...Interview with Maria Hamilton Jordan Powers

toreole5831: Goodbye to borrowed powers, hello to jordan powers

saloheimoi: Glad to hear from Maria again! As a lorebuff, I’m so glad she is working on wow

720vii: Really love how you did their names

JustinBania: THIS is what Blizzard needs more of for PR stuff. No one is more excited about lore and art than writers and artists. Let them show that excitement because it is contagious. Well done T&E.

silver_crone: I haven’t been this excited for an expac since WotLK. And adding in delves and follower dungeons and world content that I can keep playing is such a win for me (I’m one of those that cannot do groups and raids anymore). Great interview :)

Morphzz: Jordan strikes me as one of those individuals that are so goddamn passionate about their jobs while also being crazily brilliant and good at it. Thanks for the interview.

pantonis1888: Jordan Powers is such a cool name, dude could be a Marvel character :D

Trazynn: Raising the bar off the floor might not be an impressive feat, but it's still a necessary one.

leonardceres9061: The old way of questing before was so chaotic. That’s why during the original Mists of Pandaria expansion I never even came close to finishing up the main story quest line. All I knew is we were helping some adventures in the jade forest then we were helping Chen Stormstout in the next area on some seemingly unimportant, unconnected quests, and then the story just kind of went all over the place do a few raids here and there, and then finally the siege raid seemed so out of place initially without the context of what led to that point in the first place. Even after playing M O P remix, I was still fairly lost until I took the time to do the landfall quest line on both factions only then did I get some idea of what was going on in the first place. And this is only because nowadays your quest log tells you where to pick up different chapters of a storyline to be able to continue

Brandon-yr3nj: realistically, if they made the story campaign noticeably shorter, it’s because they have internal data that says people didn’t complete the last one lol

omedon666: Man, every time I think I've found my favorite member of the current dev team at WoW, I meet a new one! I love Jordan Powers, and already loved Maria Hamilton! I love their passion and where it's aimed within the game itself!

kaylamisstress4774: Great video! Loved seeing the folks who build a game I love be excited and invested in it's creation. Great interviewing Tali!

alyssumn3884: Poor Jordan lol got a question asked. We needed evi here to ask all about art!

jesserothhammer7378: I really like Mariah. Some Blizz employees come off more business over innovation. While I understand that comes with certain positions, Mariah seems to be solely focus on making a good game, and I'm glad she's in her position to help shape the world(of warcraft) with care.

rayc1602: Hearing about a concise main story quest experience is extremely refreshing right now after struggling through dawntrail!

electricmayhem8147: so glad Maria does these interviews. she is so dang cool.

Jul 19 2024

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