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How One Of The Best Rogues In The World DOMINATES WoW PvP

Nothingnesslol: Man I wish I was a 17 years old prodigy on adderall

robertjmessenger: im playing a very different game than ya'll XD

rupexo: that feral charge meld sap was absolutely bonkers wtf

jeff230394: This is why people say rogue has the highest skill cap

mellowoutt500: I used to watch him multi box 2 rogues in 2s. He would use one then swap and use that one. He got to over 2100 alone. Dude is nuts

LinkSmith-zb7rr: Legit I dont understand how some of this is even possible

StrobeFireStudios: That Step to avoid was vs Aeghis and Nahj. Let that sink in. Aeghis and Nahj. The two arguably best Mage and Rogue players currently active. That is fucking wild.

AnotherCrazyClown: Damn, Ben Saphiro is crazy good at WoW pvp

Zetherior: Nerf night elf.

stiinky5269: kalvish is insane honestly, seeing the slowmo videos of his reaction times is

fucking nuts

nerbuhc: People be like rogue op, but the rogues they fight arent anything near kalvish, pika, whaaz XD

Th3beastcj: Dang wtf , this guy makes pikaboo look like a casual

Sep 26 2024

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