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How One Country DOMINATED The WORLD The Legacy of WoW

Tomppahh: TORILLE! Usso taunttaa Perkele! Thank you for the great content Preach! I remember when the lich king Paragon kill was in the national 10pm TV news and I was so excited

shieldslamtv307: Paragon's Archimonde beam strat was so cool to see

ChessJew: It seemed like a part of WoW died when Paragon died. Plus, the music in their videos was always fucking top tier.

robertfancyman3873: "No, no, trust me, team, it is CRUCIAL to the video that Xal'Atath caress my face. Whole thing doesn't work, otherwise."

marcusalen: Torille

ShadowBlood1952: Preach confirmed going back to priest in WW

cadoriusgaming6973: Absolutely ADORE these Legacy videos. Really hoping for some of the class videos in the near future! It's been a six year drought!

veliona8920: Paragon's world first clear of Lich King 25 heroic will always live rent free in my head for just how epic it was and still is. I still go back to rewatch their clear of that fight at least once every couple of months.

mittensfastpaw: It is wild to see all this as someone who was playing during these times. You knew the names but not the actual people.

All our little teams could never measure up but you cheered anyways. Times can never return to these days either.

Thanks for the trip down nostalgia lane my friend.

Aug 02 2024

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