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How I Learned English in World of Warcraft

3Black.1Red: Angelikatosh: "How I Learned English in World of Warcraft".

Somewhere in America, "How I Learned Russian in Counter-Strike".

enxman7697: Fun fact: I've learned english (italian here) mostly thanks to Morrowind, trying to understand what to do and where to go without mission markers. p.s. Nice sweater!

dafyddllewellyn1704: I'm so happy your parents insisted on speaking Russian with you at home. It may seem cruel or inefficient for learning the local language, or people assume it somehow makes the local language harder to learn but it doesn't. As a speech therapist with a background in linguistics, it's a common misconception I've seen. It's also part of the reason Welsh almost died out in South Wales, because parents assumed that children would learn English better if they were never "confused" with Welsh.

So all the multilinguals out there, I implore you to practice as many different languages as you can with your children. It will only help them! As Angelika said, it's so easy to forget a language, and it's much harder to pick it up later in life.

SimplyNotReally: Interestingly one of the things that drew me to your channel was your accent. You have a sort of whimsical cadence that literally reminds me of characters in fantasy games. This story puts so much into context and it makes so much sense haha

jonkbsa7744: Yey angelikatosh lore!!!

robinsarchiz: All the boys at my school learned english through playing Yu-Gi-Oh. I didn't know what a cottage or a wheelbarrow was, but knew all about summoning from graveyards and sacrificing monsters to pay tribute to Egyptian gods.

romko4496: Lol that reminds me learning English with Oblivion back then. That's also the reason why Harvest Dawn plays in the background when I switch to English. I'm done talking to you.

robloggia: What caught my attention wasn't so much that you had an accent but that you didn't have an Irish accent.

justicejoystick: ВАУ! Смотрю тебя с первого ролика и сразу заметила какой-то такой, ну вот прям родной-родной акцент. Но не предала сильного значения. А в итоге моя чуйка оказалась права

lennyjoeduh: This clears up my questions. I couldn't tell if your slight accent was Russian or Spanish. Not surprised that you actually speak both.

vitorfray: You learned English playing WoW.

I learned English playing Duke Nukem.

We are not the same, baby.

TheDrunkMunk: Every person has an accent. Accents aren't a divergence from what's "normal". It's like the colour of your hair - everyone's hair has a particular colour. You can't have hair without a colour.

JFranciscoRV99: Video games are a great way to learn while having fun :3

mikkokoo7990: As a Finnish guy my English language skills comes from adventure games of the 90s. Sierra and LucasArts had lots of awesome games and word dictionary was in active use. There was no spoken dialogs in games so written text was easy to look from those books. Good times! :)

peterzund2791: I hope Ireland has been treating you well! I'm from the north but I work in the south. Goes without saying, your accent is far from neutral, it's class. Big fan

johngrant4470: I played for years with a woman whose native language was French, she always insisted that I use english, correct her grammar and explain slang. Her text english was good and got excellent over the 7 years we played together, except for one thing, she never understood where I wanted to map to, and often I was confused where she was telling me she was as well. Localization was the culprit, often quest names and outpost markers had such different names that did not translate. Finally I learned to switch to French localization to get the map and marker names and then switch back. It was fun.

octogames6823: I love your story. My son learned to read playing Zelda. At first, I would read the game out loud but this got old after a week or so. I told him if he wants to play the game, he needs to learn how to read. He was reading on his own within a month. We helped him get through sentences at first but he picked it up real quick.

Nova04550: PC gaming taught me fast typing. Especially RTS games where you need to type fast and multi-task. It's also what started me on my technology skills and ultimately led to being an IT pro.

KevinAlibert: French here, I learned English through goldeneye on the N64 (yep I'm old) the game was objective based and you couldn't finish a level without completing all the objectives. I remember one in particular the objective was "escape through the window" I didn't know what through meant nor Window which made it... complicated as I was looking for a door to go out. Further games started to be translated more often so I lost a bit of that English. Pronunciation only came when I had a permanent access to the internet, so as an adult and I watched a lot of youtube and later interacted with a lot of Brits and Americans on video game streams. Now I live in England, I'm about to marry a brit and I make sure that my daughter learns French by ONLY speaking to her in French.

BlackDahlia1147: I learned how to read English (uncultured American) from Diablo, Starcraft, and mostly my grandma reading the dialog in ocarina of time to me. She'd always sit in her rocking chair watching me play "ol' Zel" and cackle with glee when I'd do something cool or go ACH if something scary or gross was onscreen.

One day when we were playing together I said "it's ok grandma, I can read the text on my own" and she was so proud

PhthaloGreenskin: There was a story about a Russian man who learned English through Warhammer 40k. He called a radio a Vox Caster on a test.

Kivrus: I also moved with my small kids (7y & 5y) to the new country, they don’t know local language. Your story is the huge inspiration for me.

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