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Heres one world of Warcraft fact you didnt know!Day 87 warcraft worldofwarcraft

ttman5083: I remember during early WoTLK me and my father seen it flying around and followed it for a few mins because we thought it was just another cool Rare Npc spawn.... we still mention to this day!

Rayquaza.384-1: Can't believe the TLPD took this long to get a short.

So much time lost...

ballixman6587: I randomly got it one day flying past while questing in the vrykul hub closeby lmao

sleepypog: I got it in a week farming, roughly online 20 hrs a day, shit was rough but i have this beauty. Probably one of my most favorite mounts of all time

savagestyle124: 3 months of farming. rotating the rare spawns till vyragosa spawns, then being online 12 hours later when TLD spawns.

dudleyrcd: Was lucky enough to get this one day while flying to ulduar trying to farm mims head and stumbled across it. Never felt so lucky in my life lol

ZolidarPwns: I still don't have it. I have seen its corpse one time in my entire time playing.

This mount truly has you Time-Lost.

themarine310: I remember being in those mountains for months to get one! I remember my heart racing when my addon went off! Can’t believe it’s been 10 years!

606Ghoul: One of the hardest parts of this mount isn't just locating it but the fact that its flight route is hardly over any place where you dismount and tag it safely without falling to your death. My ex-girlfriend farmed it for months, and i helped her, we saw it once and i tried to tag it fell to my death and a hunter with parachute swooped in and took it.

PoppaSpike: I had a Time lost macro. I just flew the route spamming my macro looking for it all night some nights. I never even saw it. Vyragoa? Several times...

MicroGrizzly: i got my mine by prying it from a dwarf hunter's dead hands

Oct 26 2024

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