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Hallowfall Music Ambience World of Warcraft The War Within

SaintsOfThe6thLegion: Some unreal music in this expansion. So glad I can find it here at work away from Azeroth.

JackReadman: Ah. I've been waiting for this...

VS666: these new zones always draw me in, i know better now...the game isn't anything like it used to be but i can appreciate the art and music still. thank you again Meisio

thescolex: this video shines as bright as Beledar

elegost2570: Lots and lots of eye candies on this one. I could live here

RexVenge95: Finally. Okay, now

CoachDexterMo: First…

Lissuin: I had to quit WoW around 2021. Due to work and family schedule I had less free time and I was either going to spend my free time trying out various games or only Wow so I choose the former. I wasn't really an mmo player though, I was mostly interested in the rpg part of it. Exploring the locations, lore, stories, quests, music etc. Thanks to your channel I can listen the musics that remind me of the times that I played WoW without thinking about anything else and also keep up to date with the new locations)

wesleyvl8572: A other good vidoe dude keep you rock love hallowfall

Sep 21 2024

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