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Guessing where I am in World of Warcraft WoW GeoGuessr

crane8819: "I know the mushroom area is up here." He says while standing in Zangarmarsh.

claytonreeves150: "THERE'S TWO MOGU STANDING RIGHT THERE!" he yelled, aware of the futility of his actions.

mshepherd2154: The answer is that Crendor is everywhere in WoW

jcuttyfoe: I need like 12 hours of this. I’m not kidding

Bodogthemajestic: I was gonna be so upset if he didn't get the Mogu in the Krasarang Wilds one.

skyclaw36: your motorcycle question, theres a South Park episode basically going on about your gripe. name of episode is "The F Word" season 13 epi 12

iCdizzily: I already need more crendor wow geoguessr

MysticSquare: You're in our hearts

MuscleBobBuffPants34: You are Here

jordanread5829: The 5th one had me screaming where it was. It is what Beastwatch (the main Horde hub in Gorgrond) looks like before you set up camp.

Jul 26 2024

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