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Get EVERY Tier 2 Remaster! WoWs 20th Anniversary Event Is HUGE

bastinelli443: As a dad of two, I don't think I'll have the time to get everything. Why did they have to lock something fun behind a dumb ass currency grind?

lordpepe2927: im hyped but also not hyped. the event sounds like a second job with the amount of things i need to do.

TheDondarrion: I'm really glad that they've taken this opportunity to make this feel like a chore, rather than trusting in the content they've made and that players will play it because it's good. Retention is always the goal but these methods suck ass.

Stormgarde: I’m so hyped for this patch. The transmog changes alone are incredible. I have bags and banks full of class restricted epics just waiting to be added to the appearances tabs

godlygamer911: I'm so glad you came out with this before the event started. I've been trying to figure out how I was going to get everything

wardenm: So... Do absolutely everything, every day, every week? Fifty or so a week max, and you needing a minimum of 300 for the sets alone, just seems a bit crazy.

mattvitalis789: What a surprise that they made the anniversary event another way to keep you logging in every day instead of just a cool thing to get cool rewards.

7sevin7: Does anyone else zone out when he's doing the add spot, and then forget to pay back attention again when it's over and miss half the video?

rjalandi: Jesus christ retail wow has really become a job to play, you only have to log on and do thisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthis and this every day.

MrDrop442: I can't wait to get the judgement set in honor of hayven

forkmasterderp919: I really, really hate Blizzard for making this event into a second job

DarkConjurer34: Why does this now feel like a chore. Instead of choosing what you want to do you have to do everything

HappyAwesomePower: Retail wow is such a manic prison grind

thehiddenheretic: Sorry, but my days of daily playing wow are behind me. Why make a 20th anniversary locked to people who are currently no lifing the game and punishing those of us who were there at the start but are not functioning adults with lives that don't revolve around a single game?

michaelnielsen7050: So it close to impossible to get all sets ?

Oct 26 2024

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