jetlorider: getting that broom bike mount that's it..
TehPwnographer: It’s a “Save Your Tendies” kinda month.
emcosh: where is the outlet store? what does it mean? everything is cheaper?
HawkknightXC88: Silvermoon Boom is the mount that is a must have for any Thalassian fan.
zephrosyne: This looks like a save month for me.
Nick12987: Woah my first “first” comment!
GabrielGarcia-pi3hn: Silvermoon speeder purple shoulder capes but thats it for me
rob-p9k: I'm pretty shocked that it isn't a perm increase for tendies every month, all the information i saw up to this point made it seem that way.
CatcherMorningstar: The outlet actually have a great looking weapons mogs for the first time, kinda regret spending my tokens on crap weapons mogs on the main traders post on the last weeks.
Scuuurbs: Sooouullll the Heartfelt Witch Shoulders had two different visuals - cape and spaulders, lol
TheDaxter11: Holy shit, my first ever month since coming back of not wanting anything from this. Finally I can save.
kitcraft9516: Bleh, we need some decent looking skirts, shorts, pants and casual shirts. I want some loungewear that isn't a giant murloc onesie.
lululee1653: Ok and the mace and the mount and probably more
CVRogers17: Hey man I get your really excited about the trading post but you keep posting multiple videos on multiple consecutive days speculating over the content of the trading Post for February. I think what you need to do is you need to wait until the trading Post either can confirm the February releases or it releases in full to give us a video. I'm not big on all this speculation going on here. It's a little frustrating.
PeteFoxx: ***Several other vendors across the way from the "normal" Trading Post!!!
Old sets/weapons/mounts/pets/etc, etc...
hereisyourmusic30: That sweeper mount is cool!
BARRiiZ: That jade polearm has inspired me to make a ‘shogun-esque’ kul-tiran
lululee1653: The pink and purple shoulder thing is a must !
chickensauna: Seeing the video come up reminded me that for the 1st time in 2 years since the trading post was launched I've actually failed to attain 1000 points on the travellers log so missed out on the reward, jumping into Sod was probbaly the reason tbf
tyriana..340: Nothing on the TP for me, loving the broom mount, but waiting for a recoulored version. So lots of tenders to save for the outlet and the upcoming butterfly mounts/garden gnome outfits. excited
xdelisiusx: The outlets are already up. They have a LOT of old things for anywhere from 25-75% off
luminusprime: Looking like a save month. Well, "save" in that I'll buy the Varian outfit I have frozen finally. Might be tempted by the polearm though.
RpGirlRizo: Looks like a save month for me aside from the cowl and shoulder cloak pieces.
disturbed2565: I'm into the mount, war skirts for female chars and the jade weaponry (reminds me of Pandaria) and that's about it for new stuff!
KritOnYaWholeLyfe: Thank you!
Feb 02 2025