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Early Preview August Trading Post! World of Warcraft

toffeeswirl77: If this is truly the August items, it looks like I will be saving my currency.

Scuuurbs: I feel like we either need a higher cap on the monthly tender we can earn, or the costs need to go down. I’m fine with not being able to get everything, but it doesn’t feel very good to only be able to get 1-2 big things without going over 1k.

Like, this month I bought the Surfboard Mount and the Beach Chair and that’s already 900 tender. Id like to get at least one of the ensembles and the battle pet, but that puts me way over the 1k we get each month.

stormstrider1990: I love how sometimes landing with a dragonriding mount makes your character walk like Fred Flintstone.

ovnis__: Glad I saved my coins...I'll spend with that Warsaber no doubt.

EMdragonKnight: It's a cute reward, but meeeeh as the supposed "big" reward.

Except I am feeling they did some big rewards and the rest have been meeeeh.

user-lu9bd4ch4o: The previous butterfly wings are orange based instead of pink

Journeying.: Thank you for the info Soul!

nelsonrodrigues4152: those mounths are a go go!

GrokNZ: the monthly rewards are getting worse. We used to get mounts and full transmog sets, now we just get a battle pet. I like battle pets, well collecting them, no so much actually battling with them. but I also like mounts and transmog, I use those more that I do battle pets.

Also having both the horde saber and alliance wolf as separate items is dumb, they did the same with the mounts from the 15th anniversary collector's edition. If you got the CE you got both, but if you want both from the trading post you have to make two different payments.

CurieBohr: I buy mounts. Then leave. Sometimes the x number of mounts achievement reward mounts are cool. So I buy the lame mounts for that

Cashinn_Outt1754: The theme posts have been a huge miss for me

Jun 30 2024

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