quizkill: solo shuffle and bg blitz are the only reason my sub has not been cancelled....
Aurelioris: No it didn't. What ruined PvP is the gatekeeping of rewards based on mmr inflation. The hype falls off until the end of the season where it picks back up. As you say only the last 2 weeks of seasons matter.
I find it truly unacceptable that world first raiders can complain if they haven't killed the last boss in 2 weeks and we can't complain that gladiator/legend was unavailable for 8 weeks straight.
And right now it's still incredibly gatekept. At least on EU, the difference between 2.1 teams and 2.2-2.350 teams is astronomical, a lot of mr1s playing their alts gatekeeping the shit out of glad. With more participation and inflation these teams should be 2.7 by now
Zetherior: The only people that wanted premade arena were the ones selling boosts.. no wonder they don't like it now, they're all that's left.
filipfenix: No.Blizzard did. Blizzard ruined pvp .Like they ruined StarCraft2 pvp, like they ruined Wacraft3 pvp, like they ruined the entire diablo franchise and d2 pvp, OVERWATCH and how they ruined that.
Its not solo shuffle, its the best thing to happen to rated pvp after arenas were introduced.
Its blizzard, every single developer and decision they make.
Don't blame solo shuffle for mediocre developers dropping the ball over and over again. As people's time has been less and less a thing , and as there are more and more BETTER games on teh market, Retail is stuck in literal limbo.
Wraith983: Sitting in LFG and getting declined over and over was the worst. I've had way more games in solo.
geekstomper5562: "solo shuffle requires no skill"
the only people i see say that shit r the guys who ONLY q the SAME COMP for the past 15 years.
congrats dude u got "real gladiator" after playing jungle for 15k games, using voice chat the entire way
ramenxo: Between the existing community cannibalizing itself and blizzard splitting the player base between five different versions of wow... Yeah no wonder. Until genuine effort is made to bring in new players or encourage pvers to try pvp we will slowly dwindle into nothingness
palfotta: Solo shuffle and bg blitz are the only reasons wow pvp is kinda alive. The systems are not perfect (healers should not have separated MMR imo, and the class balance is always terrible in wow), but the game (I mean PvP but M feels the same tbh) is unplayable without solo Q (for non R1 players).
The biggest problem is the Q times, they are way too long and killed the game. Fix the Qtimes, fix the game (save the cheerleader save the world).
kristoferkravis1474: Solo shuffle is fun. Solo shuffle did kill premade 2v2 and 3v3 arenas though.
But what really killed PVP altogether has nothing to do with PVP itself. What killed PVP is all the dogshit gameplay while you wait for Qs. Like why can't I Q for a solo shuffle and do a delve at the same time? There is no gear to farm in the open world either for doing mythic or raids. Can't even farm transmogs without pausing the Q or canceling it. There is literally nothing to do when you Q for a solo shuffle.
After a while i realized all i did on my character was log on waiting in Dornogal for 10 - 15 - 20 mins to play a shuffle, then after the shuffle I would be back in Dornogal waiting 10 - 15 - 20 mins for the next shuffle again.
This isn't worth 15USD per month.
CPhrost: I genuinely wouldn't have a sub without solo Shuffle, it's the only thing that keeps me playing. All my friends who used to play arena are long gone and sitting in group Finder only to find someone who leaves after 2 losses is awful.
Ge_n_Ge: 200 buttons to press ruined PvP not soloshuffle
KingKryvo: What solo shuffle could of been is a system that queues you into a 3v3 2v2 at your selection. You queue into the 3v3 or 2v2 ladr and your rating isn't separate. You keep with that team until you loose a fight. Xoulda been used to help find friends to 3v3 or 2v2 queue with...longer bonding or something
dtbfit2836: What killed WoW PvP and more specifically, WoW Arena?
-Lack of Rewards
-Lack of Access to Rewards
-Lack of Blizzard investment
-Toxic player base
djmlax89: Everyone I know that dabbled with PVP casually in retail has quit playing it altogether, most with the same complaint.
For the casual player who isn't doing PVP consistently there are too many talents and/or abilities constantly being changed, it's too much to keep up with. I understand the appeal of lining up all the stars for a big one-shot go, but for lower rated players on the receiving end it's "oh I'm just randomly dead, cool." It's not fun, the game does a terrible job communicating what is happening so you don't really learn anything, and people just quit out of frustration.
trinita8482: Solo q is the best thing that ever happen. It gives a chance to q arena beside a normal life with work, kids, friends and stuff. The People getting older and dont are avaible allday to find groups and q 3s.
andrewcramer: Yes shuffle did kill 3v3. Maybe this is what Blizzard and the playerbase wanted, but there's no sugarcoating it. 3v3 has been less active since shuffle was launched. Why? Queuing for shuffle is more convenient. But in a sense, you trade quality for convenience. I think Shuffle gameplay is a lot worse than 3v3. 3v3 arena in WoW was always super unique and cool, it kept me playing for this long. It became the cornerstone of competitive WoW PvP. Blizzard hit on something special unexpectedly. But shuffle doesn't hit as hard as real 3v3 for me. Shuffle is convenient, but lower quality, and feels like it means less. In shuffle it sucks not being able to coordinate defensives, CC, setup, swaps, etc. Comp variety in shuffle is less interesting than actual comps for me. I like how classes fit together in a comp and compliment eachother in real 3v3. It feels like the game has a design to it that way. Shuffle just feels random. It's okay, but not great. Miss 3v3. Hope it can make a comeback somehow. I KNEW soloQ would do this to 2s and 3s.
vaelicusthepaladin: Guy nailed it, there are far superior 'solo' (single player games) which doesn't cost 15$ a month. Accept it Venruki, it's your kind who who've ruined it for everyone else, it's great for streaming and talking to 'chat' while q'ing. Arena, pvp is about strategy, teamwork, communication and coordination, without this is just mashing buttons in the most broken class. Without this intellectual part of the game healers get frustrated and quit since the healer arena experience is win 3 and lose 3 by the weakest player or the 'r1 on alt'.
The 'solo' 'lonewolf' mmo player has killed the game, you've played yourselves.
josha2104: You are so right about 3s gatekeeping. Look at all the 3k xp players that cant touch r1 because they arent in the club.
chriscisneros2230: Just give me solo queue for rated 3v3 shuffle can stay just give us 3v3 solo queueue
compaqpunch10: I'd like to see Shuffle, 2's and 3's to be all put into 1 bracket the same way LoL and other modern thriving games do it. Tries to match 6 Solo players together, after X min in que it expands the criteria and tries to match 2's and a solo player vs another 2's and solo player and after however longer it expands more. This would get the whole community together in 1 bracket, and also incentivizes making friends in your solo que instead of majority of the time your teammate is your enemy.
jamiebuyers: 3s for me is infinitely more fun than shuffle purely based on the social aspect. Nothing replaces the team dynamics of working together, banter and just having good old fashioned fun like 3s.
Shuffle has it's place though and should exist for it's primary reason; people that can't make a team but still want to play arena.
The real reasons that these two game modes struggle to co-exist boils down to a few things.
1. The barrier to entry for PvP is ridiculously high. Don't let neck beards who have been playing WoW since 2004 convince you otherwise, WoW PvP to a layman is fu**ING insanely hard and the necessity for so many add-ons to just play the game and scrape 1600 rating has never been higher, this needs addressing and we will see what blizz will do about this. Stick UI only with a DR tracker in PvP is something that should be thought about, people need to go back to being bad at the game and stop letting the add-ons play the game for them.
2. The ELO system is just not fit for purpose anymore. As time marches on so does the player base numbers and the current system relies on there being a healthy population to distribute mmr through inflation. However when no one plays because there is no inflation then there is no incentive to play until that inflation is at its max because rewards and titles are placed at static mile markers.
This creates a situation where due to the natural progression of an expansion (player numbers are always highest season 1) that it will always be "easier" to hit your highest rating in season 1 and if you scrape glad then you ain't getting it again for the future seasons most likely.
So when people can see they are not going to be able to achieve their goals, they just stop playing.
3. Boosting/account piloting in 3s. This is not talked about in the upper echelons of the PvP community, because it's now big business, when people are buying glad carries for £1000 or similar denominations ofc the onus is to keep quiet about this, and we see this from streamers who know these people but won't say anything and I don't blame them, the money is gotten so big that they risk real IRL consequences from messing with that racquet.
This ties into the ELO system and the rewards that are set in stone at fixed ratings. Gatekeeping at these milestones makes it more efficient for these people to make money. IYKYK.....
WoW PvP needs reform, not to it's gearing system or balance, for once these two things are as good as I can remember, I'd even hazard to say on par or better than PvP in mists. It's the system that needs overhauling.
The foundations are rotten, they need stripping out and cleansing with new and healthy wood as you cannot build greatness if your bedrock is brittle......
RodrigoBarbosa-x1p: Solo shuffle was the best thing that happened to this game, and should be in every mode of the game, like raids and m . Who doesnt like solo shuffle are just people that never struggled to find a partner in LFG..
ThoGrey: 30 min queue tho, are we all playing that much or are we waiting more than actually play. Questions questions.
declisandklor: I was in a SS that has 2 tank pallies and 4 dps
Jan 06 2025