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Destiny Veterans Try World of Warcraft For The First Time

palmtreesz: i couldnt hear you talking into the wii remote i think u needed the nunchuck

shaneprince6572: Went from D2 to WoW a few years back, such a better game with actual content coming out constantly. Not just reskins.

umbralbushido8636: Literally made this same jump earlier this week lol, seeing the mobile game announcement was like getting off a boat and then seeing that it's named titanic

I will say though, it's WAY easier to play the game by leveling a class from 0 first, and then using your token for an alt.

flask_of_bean1983: super excited to see destiny players try the origins of raiding, only a lil sad it wasnt ffxiv

JizzyNinja: Sweatcicle getting the true wow healer experience

BlueEyedZombieKid: as a veteran wow player and destiny player this is great lmao

BlakeRoop: Please finish this series Sweat!

gorespace: i was gonna do this at some point, guess this is my sign to start

ItsMayme: you should really try ffxiv, their raids are are the best. i can confirm bc ive played the game since its release

binksy2172: starting at 70 is prob the worst thing u could do pls just level from the start if ur new so u acc learn ur buttons

Sep 11 2024

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