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DELVES are BORKED Zepla learns about Blizzards BROKEN Tuning World of Warcraft

kfeezy420: Why is soloable content so incredibly alien to Blizzard, it's like they can't comprehend people playing a video game just to have fun instead of wanting a second job.

unou588: Here's some fun solo content you cant do by yourself anymore

Elyndyr: And this is supposed to be the casual content Blizzard offers to players.

ankoo439: Went into a tier 8. Takes 45 min because you have to be super careful. Even normal mobs will immediately kill you if they get close. Got to last boss after ages. He has 130 million HP, and kills you in 2 hits. Real fun.

Content that is a good idea is yet again ruined by blizz "fun detected". No way im spending time in delves when they are miserable.

gscgold: ah yes....good ol Blizzard

Players: We LOVE Delves

Blizzard: We can fix it

Delves are the reason I returned to retail

Delves are the reason I'm leaving.

israelquiles9127: Small indie company named after weather doesn't internally test hotfixes beforehand. Shocker.

MrMelindru: I like how hard they are, if you can't deal with level 8 then go down to 7, it's ok and the ilvl is still great, not sure where the problem is.

Delves should have never allowed teams in, it should have been always a solo content.

clkwr: I tried my first t8 today on my prot warrior. I was baffled when I was taken down to half health in about 5 seconds on the very first trash pack. I just turned around and left, even if I could get through it, it wasn't going to be fun.

4mb127: Doing the tier 8 delves solo and I have no idea why people are complaining. Remember delves drop almost heroic raid level gear. Use all of your abilities. Pull smart. Skip tough packs. Babies keep crying because they can't just rush. Also if your ilvl is low of course it's going to be rough to impossible.




jamesmcmillan7845: i had to get IL up before doing T8. It is a pregression system, T8 should be hard. I have solo'd 3 T8's so far. My IL is 590.

Sep 20 2024

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