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Dalaran Crashes Into Khaz Algar Jaina, Anduin Thrall Fight Xalatath WoW War Within

FranzAlverio: I’m really waiting for the Cinematic where Dalaran is destroyed 2.0 again

droopy1987: Hes alive, but barely!... How the fuck do you know? My man is made of diamonds.

DaWoWzer: Dalaran will be back, it always comes back. it's the cockroach of cities

monsteratemehcookie: Every time Magni pops up, I'm expecting him to scream the WOOOUNDS

11raining: its really insane how terrible this games story has become lol

Mistarpotato: Really hoping to see Magni back to being the Mountain King and kicking some nerubian asses, also gotta get some more of Manduin. Really eager to see where the story goes, thanks for uploading this bit.

mohdimansaifullizan6193: Alliance Human or Horde Orc. Choose your side

heart.lock.: no the old Khadgar died? just oh no he's dead? Bliz better make a full cinematic dedicated to him because that's just dumb

cameronbrewer2437: Man, i wish they would bring this game to consoles

undefined6512: Dalaran has fallen

Millions must quest

tay.pow11: Does Khadgar seriously die offscreen or is it just not shown yet?

Aug 09 2024

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