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Complete Guide to the New Delves System in World of Warcraft Features, Rewards, and More!

tylerwinters2237: Did you just call curios, churros?

adc1222: Every time I hear the words "this is account wide" I get so happy. As a chronic alt-aholic the warbands system is the greatest change in wow in so long

johnwarner4178: My dps alts are thrilled to have a solo way to get vault slots

SunniestAutumn: Funny thing: The achievement for getting the Void version of the mount has you solo Zek'vir (which means you can't buy a boost for it as some feared) and it's called "Let me solo him", a reference to the "Let me solo her"-meme from Elden Ring.

nickvanpetten6939: The fact that this gives relevant gear is the best part

sleepyshamanbryan9536: This is the system that brought me back to playing after having quit several years ago.

The_Razielim: (pre-launch) conceptually, Delves are the aspect of The War Within I'm probably looking forward to the most. I love my guild, but we usually hover around 7-8 people online at a time so it can be rough when everyone wants to be running M s. This looks like it'll be a fun alternative I'm typically a solo player and guild is mostly for just chatting during playtime.

Toxik_Tobi: I'm so happy that I as a solo player finally have something meaningful to do that also grants me better gear!

deathlyit7273: Missed opportunity to use warband member as companion.

niz392: This is one of the new features I am most looking forward to!

Aug 22 2024

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