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Can We Talk About Classic Again? Classic WoW

lathorius6093: I have zero faith in their ability to make a classic plus that feels like classic

60sekundenpolitik: They should hire the Turtle Team for Classic - they know what Classic means for Classic Players.

Fishbanned: Classic is all I'm waiting for right now

LoopeRtron: Cant wait for them to hype us up for classic then ruin it.

CatDad09: I have a hard time believing that Blizzard will ever give Classic the required funding it needs when there’s no monetization to support it.

Noops69: There is actually a VERY large split in the OSRS player base. The voting system is used as a warzone between PvPers and PvEers. There is a LOT of spite voting that goes on.

Falcon-ob7uf: I just want Blizz to preserve the vanilla feeling. It is Freedom of choice and Azeroth felt big and strong in compare to my hero.

Now it feels, like my Hero is too strong in comparison to the Environment. It feels like the World is getting smaller and less important.

NickNockClock: I have to admit that after SoD it’s hard to imagine returning to a vanilla-ish game without similar degrees of class changes. It’s tough because there is an audience for each of the hundreds of possible futures for classic out there, and nobody seems to agree on much beyond the basic QoL stuff and vague notions of “more content better balance”

0xjsgt: We need minor QoL & Class/Ability changes that bring balance and make classes work better. No crazy new roles that don‘t make sense. Then just a heck new load of story, dungeons, raids, pvp…

mudd8109: Yes. They fumbled SOD terribly. Phase 1 was the most excited I have felt with WoW in many years. It quickly went downhill. I tried to give the devs the benefit of the doubt knowing the team is small. But, by now they have had plenty of chances and did nothing but prove they either don’t care or are just genuinely not cut out for the task.

Shobek: great takes Willie /bow

weirdodude1173: Class balance and some new solo content sounds good to me. It doesn't have to be easy solo content, like you suggested, it can just be reasonably doable by a person who is alright at their class, without help. Part of the Classic community are the ones who enjoy things like solo self-found action sometimes. Thumbs up!

brelshar4968: Let Phase 4 breathe, it's doing well so far and most normal people are working through the heat levels. No need to rush BWL.

fritzbli82: Looking forward to classic and class balancing. Most important thing they do. Minor changes to make every spec feel viable. And ofc all the new stuff they add at 60. It's called classic after all. :D

Aug 13 2024

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