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BRD Raid Nerfed, New Store Mount Breaks WoWs Economy MORE World of Warcraft NEWS

SSobotkaJr: To be fair, the original Long-Boi was around 5 million gold, break that down by value cost of WoW Tokens at average of 200k gold each, which at means it 5mil divided by 200k, that;s 25 tokens at 500 dollars US.

1st Long-Boi at 500 USD vs 2nd Long-Boi at 90 dollars. I can tell you I will be saving up to buy this before Christmas time.

MikeyJ232: Releasing a $90 reskin of an ugly ground mount the day after a botched patch launch is classic Blizzard

MikeyJ232: I don’t understand why Blizzard feels the need to make everything overtuned and over designed for an anniversary nostalgia raid.

Am I wrong for thinking this raid that offers mediocre catchup gear should have just been easy? I can understand week 1 mythic raids but this is a mid-season “fun raid” that just isn’t fun.

carlzen5540: Exactly! its no point doing that raid when the rewards are lower item lvl then what is requiers to kill the bosses lol.

lonewiso: I was saving for the long neck mount so i can get it in the Black market auction... that is gold cap. $90 dollars for the mount is cheap. The original was 5mil and $90 is only about 1-2mil gold in game. way too cheap... oh and remember the regular long neck mount goes for gold cap in black markt. So pick your poison

adamjhilton: After hearing this, I feel better now at our BRD Heroic run on Tuesday. We got f***ing annihilated on the first boss! My guild is progressing on last boss of the regular heroic raid, and we couldn't even get past the first boss of the timewalking "fun" raid? Get bent, Blizzard!

raynathanielcaparas8064: The mount improves quality of life for a casual like me. Not to go to auction house and eventually get it from my mail box saves time for i can only play 2 hours max a day.

cybersylo5786: Best $90 i ever spent. And it means we are grown ass people with disposable income.

weetigo: I did the LFR BRD and we had a level 42 Frost DK who was nearly 1-shotting every thing. This was not tuned properly when it came to the mixed level LFR. The rest of us were being 1-shot by trash, but this level 42 just demolished everything, including every boss.

Rameus: Look at the other mounts that went on sale, i think its lik 6 mounts in a package for 30$

defenestrationstation5771: I'm not going to lie this is a selfish part of me, but I'm happy that a lot more people have the Mount now because that means that I can just ask randomly and there's a pretty high chance someone will just hop on it for me raid or Mythic plus if I need to pick up a potion or something

Nov 01 2024

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