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Blizzard Has Kept All These Things Secret About WoWs 20th Anniversary! WoW War Within Patch 11.0.5

chrisboone4039: We NEED the frostmourne appearance, I personally feel we should have gotten it in legion and sure, some people will argue "iT's TeChNiCaLlY fRoStMoUrNe" but no, it's really not...

marcelrodriguez2067: Yo that frostmourne appearance with the dk mythic nighthold set would be fucking incredible

AestheticAbe: They really need to put frostmourne transmog in the game… like we have illidans warglaives so why not..

atufbrandbusiness3581: 'It will transform you NOT in the Lich King, but in Bolvar. He is still a Lich King, but...' poor Bolvar can't catch a break =))))

sardonicspartan9343: I dont like the buff idea for tmogs. Seems more like a tease than fun.

Rooachie: As a main unholy with CM set i was drooling when i saw the thumbail. Frostmourne not being available as transmogg killed my boner real quick

Rathause: I thought at first it was a Frostmourne transmog.

rickjang3357: while other games received lich king mog, frostmoune look alike spear, varian mog, shalamayne. here we are, only getting limited-time event 5 min buff

MikeTheGamer77: prefer the old alextraza model.

jakul5: its a crime dks didnt get frostmourne in legion

GAWA1: Sorry maybe I missed it, has there been nothing found for alternate tints/variations of the upgraded tier 2 sets? We saw that the Monk set had a red version instead of the green jade version.

Sep 20 2024

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