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Blizzard Answered Our Biggest WoW Player Housing Fear!

John_Conner222: I can't believe there was never a World of Starcraft or at least a Planetside version of Starcraft.

OhNoTheFace: Dedicated housing team is actually really big news. I am glad it's not just something they try to fit in

MrJentu: Hoping player housing is a hit. Technically, my character has been living out of motels longer than Sam and Dean Winchester.

lorwynmoontide: As someone with roughly 4k hours in Eso, more than half of that was spent in housing. Crafting, decor, rp, and just hanging out with friends.

Was even in a guild that did monthly themed challenges. There's a whole community for this type of thing and i think it'll help bring players if they do it well.

JimBoFet171: Flying through the old world looks like shit. So much has happened and we still have the remnants of the cataclysim in all the zones like it happend just yesterday.

preds43: "Players don't want something different. They want it to feel like WoW"

That's cool and all, but Blizzard, the old world looks like shit rn. An update of the graphics akin to the recent zones from BFA, SL, DF, and TWW would be great!

Dom-zy1qy: It would be really good for the old zones if they made instanced housing plots you could walk into like delves.

TheDaveCalaz: "WoW on UE5 would be ridiculous!"

hotshot461: I'm gonna call it right now... Blizzard is gonna basically dig a new trench with their face when player housing comes out. fans have been neigh on BEGGING blizzard for player housing since the launch of WoW for YEARS, and the fact that they are just now getting to it 20 years later... they aren't going to have a proper system set up for it, its going to disappoint the fanbase, and there will be server issues with people trying to "buy a house" that they can decorate. its going to be Draenor Garrisons all over again, just with a lot less people in it. you can honestly color me pink if they manage to get it right, but it's a hope that's practically been dashed every time Blizzard utters the words "we listen to our fans"

Drewbertttt: The key element that will make or break this feature is the social aspect. Give reasons to go to player housing. Give incentives to invite other players to your house.

joshcal7370: Let’s just be real, no matter what they put out, the same players are going to scream they hate that just like everything else.

sirdickyjack: Can't wait to see the dynamic ground mount Worgens.

AtreyuCaboza: Player Housing is just anotherway for them to milk more micro transactions with skins and colors and decor shit.

Neil3D: Eh how the hell can anyone play WoW on a gamepad!? I use a Razer Naga and with an ALT modifier, I have 30 button mappings for spells through the Naga... and that doesn't even cover everything I have available as a Mage. With my Druid, there's zero chance of binding all the spells to 30 buttons, so how on earth do you make that work on a console?!

RebeccaReigh817: I paused the video I know exactly why the FBI got involved... as a graphic designer I avoid the triangle with a swirl or a heart with a swirl or repeating hearts in the center for that reason so when I saw that symbol I was like "oh someone didn't tell them" ::unpauses video to get conformation::

adrianl415: Having a entire team for player housing sounds good but i`m afraid most or the coolest things about this will be locked behind a paywall in the in-game shop.

vengeance1: "When something is broken, you fix it. When something is wrong, you make it right. And if things aren’t good enough, you make them better." - Except for all the guild banks we deleted, those players get to suffer because we're too busy to care.

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