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Blizz Doesnt Know What Delves Are Meant to Be Fury at Constant Changes WoW News

tkg__: Delves were marketed as solo content you CAN do with a group. Not a group content you CAN do solo. And that's what they should be. Period.

WorgenGrrl: I see delves as Solo dungeons myself. And I welcome it.

PandaArchaedas: Biggest thing with delves is that they need to be doable with every class and spec solo. Not every class has interrupt, poison cleanse, etc.

They need to either tone down all of that by tweaking the mobs to do less of those mechanics, or make bran actually be able to tank, dps, and heal (not just the potions, additional actual casted healing)

christopherdaffron8115: Another point about the Mage Tower was that it wasn't class agnostic like Delves are supposed to be. Classes were given specific versions of the Mage Tower challenge to complete.

Nagria2112: repair costs: 1000 gold.

loot: 14 gold.

VanAlexi: Brann hate will not be tolerated. He’s healed my Blood DK out of purgatory many times.

capac13: Brann helps like folks in LFR.

fusional: showing khadgar in the arcane wheelchair for the "knowledge is power" bit has me dying

nigelrichens3938: Yes delvs are really cool blizzard please don’t mess it up anymore than you have. For a solo player this is WAS great

jjsmithy13: Tali: 528 itlvl paladin doing delves

me: fire mage crying in the corner

Jaxom35x: I totally loved that I got the whole story, didn't have to watch stuff online from dungeons and raids to get the whole story. I experienced it myself, solo, in a way that I like to play and enjoy this game. This has been my favorite part one of an expansion for a long long time.

nauscakes1868: I feel like delves should be a ladder system. If it wants you to be item level 600. It should drop 601 or higher. You should never need a higher item level to get in than what it drops. Why would someone with 600 item level want to clear a delve to get item 550 loot? It just doesn't make sense.

blueshoals: I was looking forward to Delves being something that I can PROGRESS in, not something that I can or should be able to solve after a few Resets

Tunarth: The worst part of it was the first hot"fix". I was in the middle of a solo Tier 8 Fungal Folly as a Brewmaster Monk at around ilvl 584. I was doing ok being careful with my pulls but progressing ok. I had just taken a short couple of minutes to reset my cooldowns, went to pull the next mob, and got one-shotted for 26.4 million damage. Delve chat started erupting with people experiencing similar issues. After hearing about the blue post, I switched to Windwalker and managed to kill it with touch of death after getting Brann to tank it. I then did a test of my own. the next 2 mobs appeared to be regular mobs. I pulled them as a tank and got hit with 15 million from one mob and 16 million from the other. I then came back as a dps, pulled them, and got hit with only 990k from one mob and 1.2 million from the other. I gave up for the night after that and didn't try again until Saturday. Brutal.

JamesCusano: Blizzard clearly intended for Delves to be content for solo and duo adventuring time, with Dungeons intended for 3-5 player groups. The uncertainty of what Delves are supposed to be stems from allowing more than 2 players in a delve group - which will continue to be a constant source of balancing issues and scope creep in the future.

RifterDask: Delves feel pretty good as a fury warrior. If you get hit with a damage spike you just hit your "give me all of my health back basically for free" button and you're golden. Honestly, I'm having a lot of fun solo.

I can see how most other classes would be reduced to tears by higher diffs, though.

XschismsX: Brann is holding out on us champions

GGothos: Solution is simple they need to back track on delves and say its solo only. That way they can balance accordingly.

enceladus3318: Blizz presented delves as solo content for casual gamers, not loot fests for the top 5%. They should be solo, 1 to 3 player or follower assisted set at normal, heroic and Mythic lvl difficulty like the dungeons. Tier systems are nothing but trouble.

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