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Awakening the Machine in The War Within! Vampire SurvivorsLike Activity for World of Warcraft

OhNoTheFace: So not at all like the VS thing wanted and now just a lazy wave thing with an annoying npc to babysit.

Lose the shitty toolbox, make it wacky again. Was also hoping it would just be fun to do, and not just something else in the weekly grind

maximus6253: Hopefully they decide to update this further down the line to get it closer to what it used to be. This looks interesting for a few runs but does not look like an event I’d be excited to run every week

XCeazyX: Maybe the other stuff they are saving for a future patch, just not at launch.

Edit: it really doesn’t look anything like vampire survivors even in the old version. Just run of the mill “kind of roguelikey”

kridentagg: Awesome video brother! I think as the expansion goes on we may see this expanded on to include some of the old elements from early alpha / beta.

Daniel_M3694: It was never finished. They will finish it and release the older version at a later date for sure. This is what happens when Microsoft doesn't give their studios enough time to make something that could have been good otherwise.

sardonicspartan9343: Sounds tedious

themozARTgroupie: as someone who basically NEVER does raids, i do wonder whether i'll get the ilvl required to make it through the whole thing :'D but if i do, sure, sounds fine to pick up once a week!

know_Name: can i just get my reputation back that has been lost in the last patch.

xactruchvalley: I need that mount, I am so doing this.

ronin_1008: Looks fun.

Aug 14 2024

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