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Annoying Things in World of Warcraft

ChadrikThunderCaulk: Blizzard is the most annoying thing about world of Warcraft
TinyGremolin: "Annoying things in WoW"
Nixxiom somehow unintentionally started the list with the sponsor, before the video even started, lol.
s.r.1048: "Most Annoying Thing in WoW"
You buy the game, you pay a sub, and somehow theres still an irl cashshop with gold having an exchange rate.

How in the world did we go from a single store mount to this.
SeymourClevage: Not being able to mount because you're still supposedly in combat.
Blobby90: "Night Elf males still look too angry when fishing, they need to calm down" was funny
camilladucatti: I hate that we don't have more/updated race starting zones and quests. I loved them and it was one of the most enjoyable forms of dive into the WoWs lore by learning about your race's beliefs etc
YukaiRyujin: Yo, so after 4 years of playing nothing but classic, I went back to the retail game. Holy. Shit. Starting from exile's reach, yeah, the environment and graphics were pretty. But dear lord. It was "Hold-My-Hand" WoW. Chest? THEY'RE RIGHT HERE ON YOUR MAP!! Abilities? TADA! You gain a level and boom! No more going to a Class Trainer. Oh you just reached level 10? Here's your first mount! You don't have to save Gold or anything or wait til level 40. Meanwhile, my poor SoD main is traveling by foot cuz she can't afford a mount. And mobs are so easy to crash through. I was originally going to start my character in Tirisfal Glades to see what changed. Guess what? Nothing! It's still the same zone from Cataclysm. You'd think with the Desolate Council introduced to the Forsaken after Sylvanas went off the deep end, there'd be a major update to the old world. But. No.
Anyway, I'm starting to sound like an old grumpy lady going "back in my day". Those are my complaints about the current game. It is not the same game I fell in love with.
scuffedspartan5144: Man, as a role player. We are STARVING! For new content made for us. Give us new emotes like /idle, /hug, /Armwrestle. Give us player housing!
pedropierre9594: Me: farms herbs for a week, buys consumes for raids
Guildies: buy tons of gold and raid log
zonolith5912: Making two lil additions here:

1. Faction power balance - are we just gonna forget that if another BFA happened, Horde would lose HARD because of the Alliance overwhelming advantages from the Lightforged to the improved gnomish tech to absolutely dominating the void with the Velves? Currently the Horde's greatest strength is.. well their physical strength, but their tech, while effective, is lacking, we have peaceful, nomadic factions like the Vulpera who didn't showcase their strength, they showcased taking the time to notice the peons, that the Council very well could have done if there wasn't a thousand fires going on.

2. Horde needs an update, they are no longer in the same position they were 20 (irl and in game) years ago and with the introduction to the Mag'har, we need the Iron Horde style of tech to come back, let them expand fully into Azshara, we have the Zandalari who could provide the same role as the Gronn in their armies. The Horde are being left behind to keep them in the same position they were in, a group of scattered and displaced tribes that needed to come together to survive, and they have been.. for twenty years and thriving enough to always be able to fuel war efforts which are always huge economical races with their enemies.

Jun 21 2024

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