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ALPHA WoW Abilities That Were Too OP For Launch WoW Alpha World of Warcraft

jjstraka1982: Vanilla is the only version of the game where it felt like they were simply trying to map out a D&D campaign that millions of people could then traverse in for two years. As grand an adventure as it is, their ambitions were 2-3x as big.

DrBrickface: I feel like so many of these could be retuned for classic . The concept of hunters using focus that only builds when standing still seem like a fantastic idea to me, the only implementation hurdle is the generation rate and the ability cost. Its such a shame that rogue disguises got tossed out too. So many of these concepts seem like incredible ideas that just weren't quite balanced, and didn't have time to be properly implemented.

conrad2381: Disguise for rogues is actually pretty cool and would be a great addition to a classic to create great class flavor. Just the RP alone is worth it.

phantom0456: There are more abandoned old WoW abilities than you could shake your WillE at!

danielhenry6777: I really wish invis , was more of a spell for exploration or getting past things instead of a tool for a combat drop or aggro dump.

SonyaSturchio: Your videos are always so vivid and heartfelt. Thank you for your creativity and ability to capture the attention of your viewers!

Digital-Scriptorium: Just want to give a shout out to Grender's Alpha Project which made this video possible!

juraspl93: Ethereal form is skill from w3 mob, tauren who can change into spirit form immune to physical damage but cannot melee strike

Oct 08 2024

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