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Allied Races That EVERYONE Wants To See! Big Plans For The War Within World Of Warcraft

GeekyNerdThao93: Still waiting for Ogres
Apollyon387: The one race I always wanted to play since TBC are the Ethereals. I have been unreasonably obsessed with these guys ever since because I just absolutely love how they look and especially how their animations make them appear to be flickering in and out of time/reality. I think this saga is the best opportunity to add them to the game, however I'm somewhat worried that they'd give them too much of a redesign to make their skeleton compatible with the belf/human animations.
sharkolotl: Dalaran, There is no way Sethrak are closer to the Alliance in any way.

It's the Horde that helped them rebuild their people and free Sethraliss. The alliance just showed up on their terf and started killing their allies.
There even a Very specifically horde sethrak in TWW, Who ends up joining the Dragonscale Expedition.
Sanguivore: Hozen and Jinyu! I'm always saddened by how overlooked they are. :(

After that, Sethrakk, Tuskarr, Ogres, Kobolds, Murlocs, Vrykul, Ethereals, Nerubians, the list goes on. We have so
Zoibek: Tuskarr & Ogres
Nicupos: I would love to see an absurd amount of allied races. The game is called WORLD of Warcraft. The inhabitants defending azeroth should be varied from all across the world.
victuss1413: I've wanted naga for ages. you could do with them what you did with the dracthyr; be able to revert to elves or embrace their curse
Jt-lp9ki: Ogres plz. Not weird half breeds. They deserve to be their own race.
ZahryD: Just give Forsaken beards. I want to be a Merlin Undead Mage with a longa$$ beard.
TCPolecat: Haronier strike me more troll-like than Night elf... maybe that missing link between Troll and N-elf that's been hinted at before. That said, TWW makes a solid case for making Kobolds playable....
xDheNgzTxD: Im waiting for sethrak ... its a slim hope but... its still there...
trudicringevt: I'm personally praying for kobolds. They put way too much effort into their models (the amount of customization), they can wear pretty much every piece of armor, and they've fleshed out their civilization and customs more. However WoW doesn't have a good track record with giving us unique and fun allied races as opposed to just reskins of previous ones.
wise-dragon6776: Murlock as a playable race
Vulpatron: Skinny Kil Tirans and bulky forest trolls would be cool

Oct 22 2024

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