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5 BIG Changes to Fresh Classic WoW Servers

Crogatho: 3 weeks to 60 is not casually levelling in classic... get that through your heads, you content creators. Us normal folk dont have 10 hours a day to play

matteoceccherini7810: "3 weeks before MC is great for people who want to casually level without feeling behind"

After 3 week of casual levelling :

-awyeah im finally level 30 !

Dominus4776: 100% think dual talent should be in the fresh realms

ZhuanRenLei: 3 weeks is not a casual pace lol

Chris-x6r6b: Dual spec to me takes nothing away from classic. It makes every character more playable.

volvodoto4053: Add dual spec

Remove debuff limit

Remove hot limit / stacking restriction (druids need that)

Add instant mail for characters on same acc

pascalgrosin8766: Remove the debuff cap

DailyAIMemes: Would love to see dual spec and the old 100% epic mounts without armor.

CondemnedInformer: I know people will say no and that's fine, but I wouldn't mind dual spec if we could have just one thing. Anyway, looking forward to this, gonna be sweet.

miskee11: 3 weeks is an insane leveling pace. The fastest players get to 60 in 3-4 days /played, and people slightly above average get there in 5-6, but most casuals will take around 7, even 8 days /played to get to 60. If you play 3 hours a day, the fastest levelers get there in 24 days, and casuals will take more than 2 months.

cdcd5260: Not me wondering how the hell im gonna hit 60 in 3 short weeks lol

skullCAFE: Left behind what? Keeping up with what? Fuck this rushing Meta that people constantly forget is what leads to burnout / raid logging.

Forbidden_0ne: TBC waiting room HYPE!

DERG0se: wanna see removed dot cap

scott4092: I am totally fine with all the quality of life changes. I was so sad when the classic servers progressed to Cataclysm. Looking forward to this!

Mattdog45: Duel talents and summoning stones

deovolente1776: If they add dual spec I would be way more willing to level a healer or a tank, not having it sucks too much.

jonnys1726: As a player who played both classic vanilla and tbc I want to see Dual Spec, without a doubt.

angrysutherland: Dual spec is absolutely a must

Aysentaro: 3 weeks to 60 is literally speedrunning with guides playing 12 hours a day, casual lol how can someone be this out of touch and delusional

miskee11: aight pro tip: HC realm is gonna have about 80% less players so just start there, get set, die and xfer.

cattysplat: Black lotus will also be the SoD version, found in high level herb notes randomly instead of the insanely competitive 1 spawn per map on a long cooldown.

itsallaboutrip: the best changes for tbc would be raidwide buffs, i dont want to have 5-6 shamans in the raid again just for bloodlust

amelio5720: Remove the debuff cap so I can invite shadow priests as DPS to raids.

Nov 23 2024

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