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17 MORE Minutes Of USELESS Vanilla WoW Information Classic WoW

JV-ux1rq: Shout out to Crendor the OG USELESS King

NoleNoleNoleJole: for crying out loud, I can't differentiate bot comments between real people complimenting the videos :(

eydis9554: For me the most surprising information is the quest Compendium of the Fallen. It's a lvl 30-ish horde only quest in Thunder Bluff that ask you to steal a book from Scarlet Monastery. Sounds harmless enough.

Well the fun part is that it's not exactly horde-only. You see, you can't pick this quest as an undead. The tauren simply say that he doesn't like the Forsaken and them joining the horde was hasty bargain. After that he straight up refuse to give you the quest.

Three guesses how I learned about this one.

mcfarvo: Vanilla is a treasure trove

General12th: Hi Will!

The Black Stallion was my first mount ever. I remember seeing it at the vendor in my 20s and resolving to buy it when I hit 40.

auburnfire: The Flayed Demon Skin isn't really all that rare. By the time you've done The Burning of Spirits, Sceptre of Light and Hand of Iruxos quests in Thunderaxe Fortress you're probably going to have killed 50 Burning Blade dudes and it will almost always have dropped. (This assumes that you're soloing the quests, not being carried.)

Lethe626: Brewfest surprised me one year. During I think Cata or Pandaria, I decided to talk to all the npc's at brewfest...one said he had something I never claimed. He gave me the OG ram mount from vanilla. Fucking dropped my jaw

kriddius: I had no idea so few people got the black stallion! It's always been my go-to first human mount

nim1043: i used that black horse on my priest! i was sad that there wasnt a swift version of it haha.

dylanfalk3243: you using an SC2 image instead of the iconic broodwar kerrigan art is a crime lol

Aug 15 2024

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