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15 Minutes Of USELESS Vanilla WoW Information Classic WoW

corywilliamsmith: Vanilla>retail

otbaht: i know its dumb but i always liked how in classic/vanilla you can get wool by skinning a sheep sometimes.

KxanTheMonkey: The path from hinterlands to scholo was great during classic phase 2, as many horde didn't know about it and it let us alliance get around that area without being camped to death like every other zone.

jgriff8533: Vanilla wow was so special. Looking back there were lots of flaws. But in the moment it felt perfect.

budimorealni486: I remember there were 1 million people watching classic launch on twitch,good old days

woofhound: Strat and Scholo were 10 man to start with and UBRS was 15 man.

shakeyownz: The weapon skill/tradeskill system is entirely based off how Ultima Online’s skill system worked. If you use swords your sword skill increases and you could only have a total of like 700 points between all your skills, crafting included.

Ryan_hey: In Feralas, the quest to kill naga in the cave of Isle of Dread has a secret. At the end of the cave, the pool of water has an underground route to another back part only (accessible via swimming) which has a special area with more naga. Sometimes, an elite rare will spawn back there on a platform.

wz3953: lupos is an absolute monster, i got to experience it myself on a private server that did progressive patches. it got so bad that the alliance had a whole "lupos mafia" and controlled which hunters could tame it lmao, good times

cynesthesia1486: you used to be able to raid all the dungeons. I remember going on 10 man scholo raids with our guild for the class sets. I cant remember which patch blizz "nerfed it" by capping it to 5 players only.

Aug 05 2024

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