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11.0.5 Is One Of The Worst Patch Releases In World of Warcraft History

MichRoyal: You know when TWW first released, my friends and I were having a laugh because we said, "Wow! So many positive thumbnails on YouTube about WoW! What's going on?" Then we came to the conclusion, "This happens every expansion launch. Just give them like 2-3 months and you'll start seeing all the negative thumbnails again." Well... I guess we could say it's like clockwork.

TheCentralofWoW: This ain't even the worst patch ever released. Bull crap statement when we've had a patch that only had a selfie camera.

silveran7327: The ridiculous lag in world zones on this new patch too.

dragoonlover123: It's almost like they never learn, yet you keep paying for their services, ensuring they don't give a shit.

Hasanchopper: Highlight currently - the SW portal from CoT is dropping people into the sea off Kalimdor LOL dump of an expansion this is

kymiram2473: Stormwind portal from CoT just dropped me off the coast of eastern kingdoms in fatigue zone

robecoyote9136: It's almost as if Blizzard fired a load of it's QA department employees, but what kind of idiots would do something like that?

someguy4040: Annual 70-90 dollar expansion. Monthly subscription. 90 dollar mount. Game is over 20 years old, come on Blizzard… the least you can do is ensure the patch is out of beta.

hault360: I swear to god these two just seem to forget that WoW exists outside of Mythic

Every damn video is all the talk about as if M players made up 90% of all WoW players

"Omg, worse patch ever, its literally unplayable"

Bro, that shit effected like 12% of people, and it will likely get fixed soon, calm your tits

Stiksta: I just know this is the first time in all 20 years of playing this game. Where I used a hearthstone, and got stuck in a load screen, and then the load screen ended and I was stuck hovering above the skybox "floating" not even falling unable to move or cast.

OtherSideOfFlat: The whole gong thing was so disappointing. It felt like false advertising at the State Faire, and instead of the world's biggest corn maze it's a photo of one.

Sunderphon: I touched on this in the WoW Reddit but the Anniversary patch tripped before the finish line.

Codex of Chromie should have been us going to the different raids in Vanilla fixing a time-travel thing and we get to loot the transmog sets or get coins to buy the ones we want.

The event itself should be taking place in every capital city or at least have a portal in each city that lets you shoot over to Tanaris

Their Anniversary event doesn’t acknowledge that it’s an event celebrating the history of WoW it’s just chores.

Every week should be time walking but across a different expansion and it should give loot that is relevant to our current level or at least a token we can cash in for a piece of tier.

It’s inside how much this patch threw me off. I actually started playing BLOPS6

Otharal: I tried TWW after not touching Retail since WoD.

I had a ton of fun leveling, I had a ton of fun in the Delves. I couldn't understand what the point of 5 mans and Heroics is where every time just runs through all the trash till the boss room.

Then once I had maxed out what I could get from Delves, I tried raiding. And what the hell? No one ever talks, no one ever explains anything. you're just supposed to know, somehow. The Dungeon Journal is completely useless.

I'll give them that the first bosses in the Spider Raid were fine, I could grasp the mechanics by looking at what players did. Second to last boss was getting a bit complicated one a few things like debuff positioning, but you can "get it" before anyone figures out you're clueless on your first run.

But Ansurek is an impossible puzzle. It's like 50 pages of abilities, the resumes are useless. How are you supposed to know which green circle to stand in, but not too in, which green circle is deadly, how close to melee her from, but not too close. Which dying adds to stand in and not stand in? What?

BRD was really exciting, until every single PuG I got in for a week couldn't beat Incendius. A lot struggled on Roccor and Baelgar but explaining mechanics (Something I have never seen anyone else ever do in retail?? Why??) managed to get kills, but Incendius? Impossible.

Meanwhile I go back to my weekly SoD raids and it's... an actual video game, with humans. What happened to Retail? It's an actual nightmare.

TheWisdomTree77: And with a 90$ mount they realized they can do it again as long as it has a shiny mount on the store. No one here is leaving, people are too invested to admit that the game you used to love is dead and isn’t coming back.

Captain.AmericaV1: 300 extra staff solely for wow, and not only has nothing changed for the better, its constantly worse, but you'll always have those defending this.

wuguxiandi9413: Not related to anything here, but it sure is fun to portal to UC as a Horde mage and die to the gas, as it zones you into the BfA UC.

The other person who used my UC portal ended up in Outlands...

johnd2946: The art team for WoW carries the franchise so hard it's unbelievable. It's such a shame what the devs do(or don't do) with the assets given to them.

juggernaut6666: Feel like i dodged a bullet when I told my friends im not coming back.

mykferal: The nature of this patch, combined with the release of the $90 mount, has just left a real apathy in me towards the game. Like, fuck it... I'll just go play something else less predatory and more fun.

Nov 06 2024

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