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11 Working Addons In The War Within Prepatch Worth Checking Out! WoW Addons Guide

timesmith3399: is baganator supported by Doofensmirtz Evil Inc. I can hear his voice when even thinking baganator... ha!

PatrickF.Fitzsimmons: So good being in England, we miss out on a lot of the initial patch drama as they fix most of it by Wednesday, and we get a lot of addons working.

beawriting: Oh man! Baganator looks amazing!

Socrates21stCentury: Always nice to see a Video that is useful, practical, and straight to the point ... well done.

benderWestlund: Ty, nice overview

carifyn: You're my life safer with the BlizzMove and No Auto Close addons. Was using DeModal for this but it wasn't updated yet. I just wished they would implement that function in WoW itself, it's such a quality of life thing. Also didn't know about the Achievement Back Button addon, this is quite a nice little addition! Thank you for your mod-summary!

brandyl.switzer4128: Plan to check these out for sure. I know you likely use or have tried All the things, Better Wardrobe and Transmog, Can I Mog It, Details, Handy Notes, and Weak Auras.

Enhanced Raid Frames allows me to customize the blizzard raid frames without a full ui setup so it doesn't break with every patch, really important as a primary healer. Postal has been a life safer for me with swapping items to specific characters and such, it gives a list of all your alts so you can pick rather than try to remember which variation of Moon I have that named as. TipTac Reborn is amazing for quick info without having to inspect other players. Spy is great when playing in Warmode so you can be alerted that a whole pack is camping an area. I love world pvp but 20 against one is never fun. Krowi's Extended Vendor UI increases rows and columns in the vendor window so you can see more per page. Really nice for vendors with lots of stuff like the Remix guys. MinimapButtonBag Reborn (collapses all mini map addon buttons into a group)

Others I use include Demodal (like Blizzmove), Handy Notes, World Quest Tracker, Instance Achievement Tracker (a must for doing Glory achievements), Krowi's Achievement Filter, Soulshape Journal, Manuscripts Journal, Pet Track, Rematch, Plater, Random Hearthstone, Rarity, RareScanner, Titan Panel (I use this for the volume options but would love a new addon to do this) and last but not least Unlimited Map Pin Distance.

RoninMedjai: You legit make the types of videos I feel I need in my life without even realizing it all of the time. My brother and I watch your content all the time, and are both eagerly awaiting the great summary of the huge transmog project you took on. Enjoyed the streams leading up to it when I was able to catch them too. Thanks for great content as always.

jenaht: I'm definitely going to check some of those out - thanks!!

talia3280: Thanks for this Soul. It's a relief knowing some addons will work.

Jul 27 2024

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