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10 World of Warcraft Customizations You Might Not Know How To Unlock Them

dzgaming4585: i see you as a new youtuber wow content, and i would like to tell you, the video is great, and it just needs a bit of adjustment with the voice. It feels like you're reading a script directly and with no energy. otherwise, the content is perfect, fast, and helpful. Thanks

darcraven01: the thing with the blood knight quest.. after you complete the final quest, if you head back to deatholm and look just go south east a little from where you fought the final boss theres another polearm transmog laying on the ground. its only clickable once you complete the full quest chain.

as for the rep grind: farm Mechanar. you get about the same rep as the other two suggested and can clear it in like, 2 minutes. super short, super quick

mothman84: There's a neat trick to leave dungeons when you finish a run without walking back to the entrance. When you're done, you just join a Follower Dungeon, then walk out of it, leave party. You'll find yourself right outside whatever Dungeon or Raid you were originally in. It's so good, I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't fixed it yet to deny us the QoL improvement.

Chronokatan: Chronokatan here :P - what are the chances, just got this video recommended at random. Glad somebody found the guide helpful on WoWhead. Great video!

Doomega: I had no idea you could get the tauren totem weapon. I ran that questline on my hunter, so I never saw them.

NebulaSparrow: Again, things I didn’t know! So awesome, thank you. I’ve been running around getting customizations thanks to you

Trains-With-Shane: thank you for this! Argus quests were easy and I had most of the stuff in my bank from when I ground out that rep on my Draenei Pally. Didn't take long to farm up the rest by finding a few chests and elites. Don't even have to be rares. So got the little hearth toy as well.

Nick12987: Really liking your videos! Keep it up :) these are super helpful!

Gernamur: Very useful and straight to the point. ty!

Flanuora: Super helpful! I’ve bookmarked this for later reference too!

CinderFUNKNrellas: This video was FABULOUS!! thanks for the links and great info!!

Aug 24 2024

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