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Wotlk Classic Gold: Your Mobile Authenticator has a new home

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We are leveling up your account security and convenience by bringing the Battle.net Authenticator to the Battle.net mobile app!

The Battle.net Authenticator provides optional 2-factor authentication for your account, safeguarding it from unauthorized access. (Plus, adding an Authenticator to your account grants you the Core Hound pet and extra backpack size in World of Warcraft; learn more here.)

With this latest update, available now on iOS and Android, you can authenticate your logins directly from the Battle.net mobile app. We’re putting the power of Battle.net into one easy to use, pocket-sized package.

Download the mobile app from your app store now if you haven’t already, then follow the in-app prompts to connect with your Battle.net account. If you need help, please refer to the Authenticator support article.

Once set up, you can authenticate logins from your phone in one tap via push notifications or from within the app. And after you’ve taken care of your new authentication method, check out some of the other features the Battle.net mobile app has to offer:

Use chat and groups to connect with all your friends even when you’re on the go.

Engage with your favorite game communities, and always stay up to date on the latest news.

Browse the Battle.net Shop and never miss out on deals, discounts, and special promos.

Manage your profile and account settings.

Get the Battle.net mobile app now, and keep your account safe!



Jul 05 2023

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