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Auction House Bots Exposed on WOTLK again

brutalum: a "how to bot" tutorial is probably warranted at this point, because of their negligence.

brutalum: i've done tickets about this in the past. i got the same response from GM's. at this point, it's just negligence.

its the same IP, the same guild, the same people who create the items. like.... come on now. it's literally so easy to ban them. ban that IP

lajt6972: Disgustin bots and shitty GMs :c

Astronomad: Eventually Warmane will evolve into bots playing against other bots, as no real players will be interested.

joxinbox8697: "how to bot on warmane" hahah that would be fun and make Warmane staff Do somethinhg against it! Just don't forget to say at start of videos "THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE, DO NOT CHEAT" hahahaha Keep up the content bro!

Xgrey-7: sadly they do the same thing in onyxia i cant even buy cloth from AH they insta buy anything under market value 24/7 and repost it . the market is fucked

Qutix-0.06: warmane is getting destroyed by those bots

impulseffs: i told you before warmane is trash server stop play there. Staff dont care about the server players. i report many scripters before and they dont get banned...

mohhameddnabil9211: bro like everyone has unlimited money by this how not the GM's not banning those

joxinbox8697: i like overpriced low level epics so i undercut 20% and get sold fast to bots xD

vexxy3173: imagine playing warmane

shoddits2156: The main issue seems to be that when an account/character is deleted, all traces of it are wiped from the database and unless the developers implement a way to track and archive the actions of deleted accounts/characters, investigating the boting situation will be difficult. It’s not impossible for GMs/Devs to look into it, but it would require additional effort, and they’re unlikely to prioritize it without such a system in place.

Another theory is that these bots might actually be operated by Warmane themselves, they could be used to keep the server active artificially, similar to how placeholder bots are used to reserve spots for donation accounts. This approach could also explain the queues for non-donation accounts on realms like Icecrown, where bots might serve to maintain an impression of higher activity or manage server load.

maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right - I don't know for sure.

wexalon1044: Is it real to farm 100k pre day with different types of farm, or it’s difficult?

VincentKarlLanag: Hello, can you share all of your addons?

milentiusgaming: sad to see they are still letting bots destroy the server.

daswings92: If the bot auto buys your "cheap item" wouldn't the easiest way to piss them off would be to flood the market with the same item so they are forced to buy it all out? If they don't buy it out, it nullifies their profit margin. To make it extra spicy, just post from multiple toons.

Mukeshi: There's no point fighting bots when Warmane GMs are more corrupt than Serbian government. Also if they wanted AH botting out they would put AH cap per lvl or anything literally to combat that

SquidBanger69: Wotlk on a private server lul

Jan 26 2025

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