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10 HARDEST Raid Bosses In The Classic Trilogy Vanilla, TBC, WotLK

elmojo9591: Most bosses were hard back in the days because people were, by todays standard, terrible at the game and had awful PC/internet connections. If you go back and watch kill videos from end bosses like Illidan, KT, C'thun, you will see people playing at 10 FPS, clicking half of their abilities, and doing half the dps/healing numbers that people do today. It's very interesting how much player skill have improved over the years.

muffinman5958: Lich king HC only had 12 clears week 1 btw. A solved fight that had been out for 10 years at that point... Crazy fight

1512125: Halion is definitely harder than Algalon surely

atmoz_: Damn... I was in a pretty hardcore guild. But nothing like I've seen your doing here... We did play Wrath with 4 nights being online. I remember how much trouble we had with yogg, it was so hard even with the lights. Just the coordination and there where always people doing things wrong, funny how they always yell at tanks but in these fights when there is more asked about what they need to do, you can guess who made the most mistakes.

Did main tank the Lich King when our normal main tank was off (frustration) when we got the first kill. But never got the kill on Hardcore, our guild wasn't up to reach even LK. But it where crazy amazing times. Funny to see these fights in your video, it's been ages ago :D thanks for bring back good old times (no kids and no wife hahaha... time for this all)

alextygesen3101: People keep saying its because players were bad at the game, which is partially true. But nowadays, what really carries players are the guides and tools available. Back then you didn't have a google spreadsheet you could share in a discord with perfect voice communication.

Reps1991: One thing that i remember was BT Progress back in Vanilla TBC where the mechanics were totally new. To Prepare for the Gorefiend somebody created a minigame were you could train the kitemechanic for the ghosts. Think that was fancy

wowdanalise: Youngster doesn't have C'thun on his list. XT the only boss never beaten pre-nerf? Baloney.

C'thun was never beaten pre-nerf. It was likewise mathematically impossible with the gear and buffs at the time.

Thoinks_: nice vid Wille

KK-my6hw: It is such a different game after vanilla, then to the first couple expansions, and then after into retail eras.

In vanilla and to a lesser extent TBC and Wrath bugs might last for weeks to months on raid bosses along with the lack of game knowledge that took years for the community to build along with the addons and automation.

People would also be thrown into them completely fresh to learn and make strategies for, as opposed to everyone having them on farm for weeks in testing before they go live and having bugs fixed mid raid if needed.

So while they got mechanically harder as time went on they are very hard to ever compare directly.

andromidius: There's only really a handful of genuinely difficult bosses in in each expansion before Cata. I think that's why they are so memorable. If every fight was difficult no-on would really remember Mimiron Fightfighter, for example.

phantom0456: There are more hard raid bosses in this video than you can shake your WillE at!!!

nickelback3360: From World of Warriors to World of Warlocks

Avatar1977: Welcome to the Muru game

KidMoxie: Real talk: roster boss was hardest boss of all in any expac.

NabaniSaa: I wonder if pre-nerf C'thun with how optimized the game has become is still mathematically unkillable?

shorn9996: Bro posts the same video every week now

Nihoolious: Got to experience this trilogy for the first time due to being too young to play it back in the day. Highlights for me are definitely beating Kael and Vash the last Monday before the nerf and finally getting HC Lich King two weeks before the guild disbanded on a high note

Shervin86: No encounter was harder than going against the lag once through the dark Portal

ChairmanMeow1: Kael Thas is still the hardest current content boss Ive ever killed

A dark horse candidate to me is Hailion 25, that was NOT easy.

mustafsbilge: Honestly I expected Halion25hc which is quite the challange

MPBrickz: I was a bit disappointed with the Lich King fight. Not that it wasn’t difficult, the encounter design just did not live up to the hype for me. But in general ICC was when I just stopped enjoying raiding.

OldWorldNY: Eveyone loves a good raid

viktoryx: What abt C'thun in aq40? Wasnt he mathematically impossible to defeat?

JulianJohnston919: TBC > All Expacs

youknowwho257: Yep, after all these years of professional trolls spiting everywere "wotlk was easy lk, 25h was a joke" and seeing how may people actualy got a kill on hin is amazing to show how fake all these professional trash talkers are.

People will still say the same crap and say that nowadays mytic this or that is harder, even tho a lot of people can do it, and that LK 25h is easy, at least based on lk 25h kills sadly the numbers don't support that, like at all.

Just look how many people were playing wotlk classic, and look how many were successful in killing Lk 25H, i wonder about the people who still play Retail, and how many can do these "extremely hard" modern raids nowadays.

Idk the actual numbers but maybe Will can do a video on it, this would be clarifying to say the least.

chiefhandker9432: Blizzard should ban all add-ons.

Jan 20 2025

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