DirtySerb: You know the economy's bad. When you have 160 million credits in your legacy bank and that's considered broke.
joeslayter5841: Taxing a gift is just stupid. I used to gift new players all kinds of cool stuff. Not any more. Thanks, Swtor. The best credit sink is JUST LEAVE THE CASINO OPEN. You can still do allll your other festivals and races and pirates and grees. Stop breaking the little guy.
MiśBrzusio: I invited my RL friend to SWTOR and wanted to give her some Cartel stuff I have not used anyway. So I wanted to give her a sword, 5 sets of uniform, a hypercrate... the tax was above 2 billion WTF Bioware (yes Bioware)? I bought the items for RL money and I can't give them to my friend? Wow...
diamondarrow4567: One thing my guild did was they realized that guild bank stuff isn’t taxed
Bladrcntrl: Shows how detached they are from the player base. Reminds me of real life o.o
aniruddhbhatkal1834: If they really want a credit sink, all they need to do is add a seller in the fleet bazaar who sells prime binds-to-character decor. Sell all gold decor for a million each. They didn't have to take this kind of measures.
masterchief2303: Sometimes it's cheaper to give them credits to buy the item cheaper on the gtn then actually trading them.
We did a giveaway for Christmas in our guild and gave away around 300 of the new augments (blue ones not purple their still better then old purple)
We had to put them in the g bank so people could grab them.
tomaszjedrzejko8016: Boomy :) 100 % right !!! Few weeks ago I made a post about this on swtor home page. It's insane !!! Many years I was helping my friends, new players. Support them with all what was possible. I cant do this anymore because of taxes !!! It's so stupid !!! Only one way now its trading by Guild Bank but ... when you join same guild you have to wait 30 days !!! Swtor Devs dont listen to players and act like Dictators !!! Wake up !!! Devs you work for us, players !!!
phillipchappell6013: Always being taxed in any mmo was stupid.
TheNebdar: I play with my sons and the one way i get around this tax is put the item on GTN and make quick sell/buy action. Yes there is small but potential risk that in those 5-10sec someone else can buy it - but gladly it didn't happen.
Yes it is painful if you want to give something someone that isn't online at the same time as you are
TKRepository: They need to adjust credit payouts and costs from the ground up, with a new, fixed cap (10 million should be fine). Increasing the payouts substantially and reducing credit costs will help new players amass wealth quickly. The 10 million fixed cap will reduce the amount hoarders can stack, and force all goods, including CM items used to convert cash to credits, to sell at lower/more attainable values. This means the apparent necessity of buying real items to sell for credits will be gutted, and price gouging will alleviate.
Berengar92: This is a huge problem with the game - there are no real gold sinks, so they have to do shit like this to keep inflation from running out of control.
willybillysilly4083: they also ruined nightlife event and other content because of money sinks
MiśBrzusio: Let's address the elephant in the room - the problem with economy on Darth Malgus at least, was caused by few accounts from Russia and China who were selling credits to newbies via private websites and ebay. It was not the wealthy players who caused prices to rise - the wealthy players already have everything. Who was buying these augments for 500 mil per item and other stuff? The newbies. Where did the newbies get these credits - from credit spammers. I know because I bought billions of credits from a Russian website and ebay. How would I be able to get full set of augments for 500mil per item? How to fix - ban credit spammers/sellers make augment kits and augments and tacticals available from Hyde and Zeek for cheap. Endgame items, in a properly designed MMO, should drop from endgame content. In SWTOR endgame stuff is crafted... then sold for billions and then the same person sells these billions on ebay for real money, and the circle continues... We already have gear upgrades available from NPCs, conquest gear, flashpoint gear and so on... this was a great solution, but now the same has to be done with augments and tacticals. Currently as a newbie you have to spend billions of credits to get geared, how do you get these billions? From credit sellers, you dont have 10 years time to grind 6 billion credits. Also tanks are so much punished by these credit sinks... As a tank I make like 5-10 flashpoints per evening and the loot from these flashpoints does not cover the gear repair costs. As a DPS player you are going to make money, but as a tank you are actually paying for playing... It actually made me stop tanking, and tanks are always in need. They are trying to kill the fly with a cannon... just ban these credit sellers and make ALL THE ENDGAME GEAR available ONLY through NPC sellers, and this way you are removing the need to obtain credits in some shady way... Right now they are trying to drain the money out of everyone and they are hurting the game and the community.
Spanners_the_Monkey: 80 million!!! I have never had 80 million in any MMO I have played... WTF
strykersgamingltd: From my PoV, the devs don't care they do what they want regardless of players wants, needs, and desires. It's been like this since launch.
rogerpalsgrove9678: I remember using the heck out of Quick Travel since I spent all those credits for zero cooldown. Now I find myself trying to get creative to not spend as much on it.
aniruddhbhatkal1834: I think it's time for a tea party!
LoreanGlaymore: The tax must also be payed if you trade directly. Funniest thing was: I bought something on GTN for 5 000 000, wanted to give it to my wife and had to pay 120 000 000 Tax...dunno how they calculate this tax. I stopped playing the game completely because of this shit.
OregonAnon11512: I'm a guild leader. And I offer cartel packs to the member that tops our guilds conquest points. It costs 2 mil to mail a guildie. And new members I invite are unable to even access the guild bank. It's loaded.with things intended to be taken. Either for a new or a want. And new members can't even do that, and forget if you are a free player. I just want to be helpful and giving and the taxes...are INSANE and add up. Edit: trading the czerka crate costs 280mil...wtf.
camerynmaru: Have you noticed that Jackie and Musco have vanished? Okay, Christmas holidays and the like, but the last dev post was December 20. And they wonder why the player base no longer has any faith in them...
lawwey4340: tbh the taxing people is dumb bc it does bother me when my friends and i help each other all the time or get each other gifts or when we help new people all the time it just doesnt help and is very irratating that i have to pull money out of legacy or make sure i have enough or stuff like that
ProphetPX: HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?
PrimarchMatterion: What the hell? TAX For what????? WHY SWTOR????
Valktor-g4r: sounds like real life they taxs u on everything
Vandalore: Boomy. I may have to disagree with you on this one. This Tax feature was to target the greedy scalpers mostly and it has worked extremely well. Vizla server failed when they allowed to transfer characters with so many credits into the server, That is what ruined Vizla. There are ways to bypass these taxes, members of the same guild can trade free of tax, we set up one tab for anyone to drop off and to pick up what they want unlimited BUT!!! members need to be in the guild at least 30 days. There is a feature that would work well, They should allow guild master/officers to "approve" members to be able to use the guildbank instead of a 30 day blackout.
Jan 17 2025