FreedomFighter08: Me and my friends who started swtor vanilla still demand a swtor classic to this day!
essbe7158: I used to love PvP in this game, but they've really mucked it up. Still playing though. Thanks for sharing. Best of luck.
ghostfacecloud: Swtor classic when?????
WilliamAGould: I found a good PVP round of Huttball to be very entertaining and usually funny.
TheGarBrett: My issue was with 8v8 that a team was always a full premade on voice chat, against solo random players.
gatorbite9816: Haven't play in years but Hutt ball still greatest pvp game ever
skugee1: dont know why this got suggested to me considering I haven't been consuming star wars content for years but goddamn am I glad it jumped out at me... the nostalgia fix was needed
hope every swtor og is doing alright, take care :)
pulpjedaii: Maaaaan those old rig clips really hit me where it hurts, for the whole first year of SWTORs life I played with the touchpad mouse on my potato computer xD. God I miss old SWTOR, it just felt like a more vibrant experience. I was honestly never any good at pvp. I couldn't understand why I could not kill people unless they were low (in hindsight it was stims and CDs but at the time I would get frustrated cuz I would attack someone at full health and they'd drop to maybe 60% and get healed back up).
stupidsniperplayer: Still remember my first pvp match! Was lvl 10 command in a civil war I got farmed like nuts by a bunch of lvl 50s from a guild called reckless dragons lol But man did i fall in love with the combat and pvp in swtor that day. Seeing those imp players in recruit and champion gear than seeing other troopers around republic fleet in their champion pvp gear drove me to lvl as fast as possible to have that gear and look just as bad ass as they did. Great video thanks for the time
and effort that went in.
Lexipumpkin783: we need a SWTOR private server thats pvp. i miss open world pvp soo much. the epic battles that took place were just God tier
Tbone-the-1nfinite: awesome video
cypher0124: yep key word was
deszaras3: Oh the adrenaline rush going into ranked pvp
brittonj5627: Swtor was the most fun experience ive had playing a MMO, and ive played wow for 15 years. I quit when ranked warzones were removed, that was the community that cemented me into the game.
IllusiveMoose03: Nothing beats a quick Voidstar win where you keep pushing through the next doors.
TheGiltanas: I loved PvP in early days where we were able to customize the pasive tree. I played sorcerer spec in madness till no CD on lightning and rest in healing. I had so much fun in that build that I never wanted to be anything else. I was able to effectively heal raids and PvP in it. Ofter ending up vest in both DPS and heal categories in PvP matches (though I never was that much in ranked PvP as you guys were - but in my league…). They killed all the fun for me when they erased possibility of creating builds. Now I am back and playing game again, but it never will be like in those days. Now its just casual :)
troomis2479: Thanks for sharing these stories
levijoshua8926: YEah SWTOR pvp was in a world of its own, I still miss it to this day
IllusiveMoose03: Alderaan Civil War was my first WZ too! I wad just going for kills, I did not think to hold objectives until a few games later.
IllusiveMoose03: Huttball to this day is my favorite WZ. Voidstar is a close second.
CWWJR: ALL aspect of SWTOR can be summed up into one word. WAS. I say this with deep sadness
samsquanch934: The one guy was dead wrong. Swtor ripped off the pvp tanking mechanics from Warhammer Age of Reckoning MMO.
cypher0124: disagree with huttball comments hated it.. day -13 early access founder here.
twinslive.: I'm with you on this, SWTOR PvP used to be the best in any MMO. Even the open world PvP was super fun which is hard to pull off.
heron4147: Hearing Mark Biggs talk about SWTOR again is making me tear up. I still rewatch his old guides and commentaries that made me want to get better at the game back in the day :’)
Feb 16 2025