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SWTOR Is Better Than You Think

SHADOWWOLF3546: I played enough swtor to get legendary player... i have never done a raid or any multiplay content. i play it like a single player game and come back and replay my favorite classes from time to time. i like it enough to pay the monthly subscription even if i don't touch it for a month or 2. it really is that amazing Kotor/mass effect type story telling and lets you play how you want. the story like you said is just so good.

Talyrion: I do have fond memories of SWTOR - even if I cursed it for getting that game instead of KotOR 3. It tried so hard to offer a real solo campaign to players, making starting over with a new class really appealing.

grimjack56: I started playing swtor in January of 2023 and fell in love with it. Took me over a year and a few breaks but I got to legendary status and that felt great. It’s unfortunate that the current endgame story content isn’t all that, but I still come back every so often to see what’s up. Like at the beginning of this month my friend suddenly got hooked on the game and it’s been a blast playing through it all with him, so much so that we’ve already sank in like 70 hours in the past 2 weeks

TheBeelzboss: I never gave it a chance because I was pissed off that it was an MMO and not a KOTOR 3 single player...

khatack: No, it really is not.

OrcPower: There are so many good things about this game.

I really love all the voice actors for even the "smallest things".

And some of these story quests are so good.

My favorite is the Imperial Agent, I think, THINK. that there is like 3 or 4 different endings (?) for that one

And I really like the Jedi Knight story. Unfortulantely I got the ending spoiled for me, but yeah that was a really good story.

jolive77: no, this game is why we lost star wars galaxies and never got kotor 3. this game was an attempt to be two things at the same time and fell short at both.

Allegedly_Angel: Ok, but like have you seen the literal amount of fetch quests this game has and the stupid distance you have to travel for every single one

mikeg5039: I played years ago and had fun but now im trying to get it to load and it gets stuck on the main loading screen after logging in. Tried every fix i could find. Nothing works :(

mbrstrmn: SWTOR is great! Especially for new players. The class stories are good and there's a lot to do. Endgame gets kinda stale and gearing is kinda wack but only for veteran players.

kimrasmussen7188: class stories are top notch entertainment. everything after corellia is optional.

laszloszocs7477: i have played it since launch even thoug there are periods of some odd years i dont touch it but always love to come back and have some fun but some bugs are really frustrating me like i cant subscribe as of recent lol but all in all its been a staple in my gaming since we first bought it with my buddy in 2009 :D

kyzit8458: By saying the original movies, you mean 4-6 films or 1-6? Just curious. Also if you want there is a high republic era made by disney told primarily through books and comics which is really high quality. It isnt a replacement to the old republic just to be clear. It is from 500BBY to 100BBY and there are 3 phases in the books each in a little different place on the timeline If you'd like to check it out start with "The light of the jedi book", but if it wasnt that good for you(I had the same problem) then try "Into the dark". The first book is not in my favorite style because it focuses on a lot of characters rather than a few like the second book. If you prefer the EU it can also rather seamlessly fit there which is nice.

Blackdawn80: The game still has classic The Old Republic stories and has been kept immune to Kathleen Kennedy's vision of Star Wars

Bon-Gi: My issue with SWTOR is the melee combat kind of sucks. the ranged classes feel much better to play.

REOFIRE36: Mannn I love swtor. The class stories are great, the planet stories are awesome, the cutscenes & dialogue are FUN. The only thing that isn't fun, is the game itself. Its too easy, the basic 1-50 is simply WAY TO EASY. I wish swtor had its own "classic" where you didn't automatically get a healbot at lvl 10, Classic WoW for instance, the 1-60 is the experience, and its fun and the journey along the way is great fun. (mainly because its actually challenging). Love swtor, and I'd love to see it come to my console (xbox) with controller support, there would be soooo many people playing if they didn't need a PC;.

ElusiveClit: Developers Lets use Heroengine for an MMO XD XD XD

5point0h67: Removed ranking and PvP gear doesn’t matter…. This is why I don’t play

ShaikuraJarfaru: It's a great game. But if you need the opinion of others, then it's not for you.

Jan 21 2025

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