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SWTOR in 2025 is Staggering but Is it worth playing? Star Wars The Old Republic

IllusiveMoose03: Great video about a great game. SWTOR is definitely worth it for people who have not tried it. The replayability is insane with all the class stories.

skyex4701: Just started all 8 class stories gonna just take my time and play it casually without rushing myself to see what it’s like.

kubrick5073: I've always said to people it's too late to get into SWTOR, that train has went and is gone. it's best years are in the past and I feel sorry for people who missed it. The devs have moved on and so have most of the players

MrChristophSteininge: I have done all this so often I could name many if not all npc's and what their lines are. Therefore I am done with the game. But if you have not yet done it, by all means do it. It is worthwhile!

fantactics3252: Must be on satele Shan try ques in star forge pop way faster

corrystream: I have been looking into rebooting SWTOR up, and this just made me want to do it even more lol.

TheRevan1337: Exceptionally worthwhile, all the best story content is 100% free and you have the first two expansions for free at zero charge, all eight class stories completable from start to finish, all the regular planetary storylines and bonus storylines for those planets, a bunch of dungeons and plenty of sidequests. It's a no-brainer for anyone who's tired of modern Star Wars and wants to relive a time when the Expanded Universe was the main growth property of Star Wars.

thelaughinggod3116: Its not thriving at all its dead as fuck lol

ixplain: Bro is out of content

TheLarkinist: It lets you play Star Wars before Disney fuct'd it all up. That's all I need at this point.

realduox: is the store still a bloated hellscape ? I played again like 2 years ago and its was an absolute nightmare of microtransactions.

laszloszombati7966: Why pay for a singleplayer game that masquerades as an mmo?

Chronoir3: Is Broadsword endorsing things? Damn.

Free to play restrictions are (for new players):

- Cap lvl 60 (80 is max)

- End game gear locked or buy the authorization at the store

- 1M money max (you can carry where as subs are 4B)

- Raids/Operations locked

- -25% XP

- Have restricted Flashpoint and Space Mission rewards

- & some more. So if you wanna play long time better Sub

Also the reason GSF que is long: No one's playing it.

Edit : The current "expansion story" is 3 years old with the voice actors strike going on it's gonna be a lot longer lol.

Mar 05 2025

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